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Oh how I've missed you, and writing for you. :(
But I'm gonna start again! And this one is gonna be long, so enjoy. :)

you choose if you go with dandy or Jimmy, so there are two endings! Enjoy!

There is a certain point in every woman's life where they have to make a decision. Whether to "sink or float" so to speak, and today I finally have to make that decision.
My name is [y:n] and I have been best friends with the lobster boy, Jimmy Darling for almost 3 years now. We know everything about each other, and constantly hang out. I met him after I freak show that my Pyscho aunt forced me to go too. I found the entire thing to be disgusting and degrading to humans. Jimmy came up to me after the show, we talked, and became friends right from there. I've developed a crush on him throughout the years, but it's never been more than puppy love.
Last week I met the most fascinating man. Dandy Mott. He is a sick and twisted human being with a heart of gold, not to mention he is completely gorgeous. We also met At one of Jimmy's shows, and we connected instantly.
I sat down on my couch next to Dandy who had walked me home after our date to the Ice cream parlor. He asked me out after a few weeks of being friends and I couldn't have been happier. "Your house is so beautiful [y:n]" he whispered, gazing around the room. I laughed. "Not as glamorous as your mansion. It's like something from a fairytale." I exclaimed with a smile. He turned to face me and clutched on to my hands tightly. "Than why don't you move in with me? It's certainly big enough for both of us." He spoke with a sly tone in his voice. My face got hot and I could feel myself melting into his warm touch. He was suave, he could speak and any girl would fall for him, and here he was on my couch asking me to live with him. "I don't know I-" I was cut off by the sound of my doorbell. Slightly relived and also annoyed I got up and answered it. It was Jimmy. "Hey uh [y:n]. Do you uh, do you wanna hang out?" He asked stroking the back of his head awkwardly. Dandy got up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist in an overprotective manner. "What do you want?" He asked with a smirk. He didn't like Jimmy, and Jimmy didn't like him for reasons unknown to me. "What's he doing at your house [y:n]?" Jimmy practically shouted at me. Dandy stepped in front of me, pushing the door open even more. "well Jimmy, I just took [y:n] out for Ice cream, and now we're discussing our future." He spoke in a cocky and pleased voice. "Why are you doing this to me Dandy?" Jimmy asked. "Doing what?" Dandy asked. "Trying to ruin everything!" He shouted, getting only Inches away from dandy. "What are you talking about? You had your chance with her, and she chose me so scram!" Dandy snapped trying to close the door. Jimmy stuck his hand out and stepped in walking past Dandy and straight up to me. "Do you really like him [y;n]?" He asked stroking me on my cheek. My face got hot again as I looked away nervously. "Since when do you care?" I asked backing away. He grabbed my arm gently. "Since I started loving you 3 years ago. [y:n] I was going to ask you out tonight. You mean the world to me." Dandy laughed. "Right..." He growled. My jaw dropped. Jimmy was my best friend, how could he have had feelings for me too? "Get out Jimmy. You're ruining our Date! I hate you I hate you I HATE YOU!" He shouted shoving Jimmy to the ground. Before my very eyes I watched the two people I cared about in the world beat the shit out of each other, and no matter how hard I tried to get in between them they wouldn't stop. I began to sob and sat down screaming at them. "WHAT AM I TO YOU? TO BOTH OF YOU?" They stopped fighting, both bruised, bloody, and broken. "What do you mean?" Dandy asked grabbing my hand. "You're my world and my sun and my only chance of happiness." He said with a smile. "you're my best friend. And the love of my life" Jimmy responded too, grabbing my other hand. "Than why would you guys hurt each other in front of me? If you care about me you'll want me to be happy." I finished, shaking both their hands off.


•ENDING 1: [you choose jimmy]
"Dandy I really care about you, but Jimmy is my best friend. And I choose him always. Not only does he know all about my past, but he's the only person whose always been here for me." I spoke softly, not wanting to ruin my friendship with either of them. "If you love me you'll understand." I finished, grabbing Dandy's hands. He began to cry and scream. "YOU ARE ALL I HAVE." He was holding me so tight I could hardly breathe. "Let go. I'm sorry." I said beginning to tear up myself. "There is nothing left now [y:n]. I am dead and empty. And it is all your fault." He said slamming the door behind him. I continued to cry as I sat down and laid my head down on Jimmy's shoulder. "I'm so sorry. I should have told you I loved you sooner." He spoke,stroking my hair. I shook my head. "I love you too."

•ENDING 2: [you choose dandy]
"Jimmy I have waited for you for years. I've liked and cared for you since we first met and you never noticed me. You never expressed interest In me until Dandy came along." I spoke, starting to feel anger more than anything torwards Jimmy. "I just now realize it's always been you." I shook my head. "Really? I think you and i both know that's not true. Jimmy you're my best friend, you like me because I love dandy. That's the only reason." I said grabbing Dandy's hand for support. "I'm not trying to sound like a bitch, but how long was I supposed to wait?" He was silent. Dandy kissed me on the cheek and I knew I had made the right decision. "I didn't realized I caused you pain." Jimmy mumbled. "Sorry." He spoke embarrassed by his past obliviousness to my feelings for him. "I think you should leave." I finished, noticing how pissed Dandy was getting. Jimmy wiped his slight tears and walked out the door. "Sorry." He said again. I shook my head. "Don't be." I said with a smile closing the door behind him. "Well that was a fun first date." Dandy laughed. I blushed. "Let's say we call it a night, curl up on the couch, and watch some cartoons?" He suggested wrapping his arms around my waist. I nodded and the night was perfect.

Did you guys like that style of imagine? I just wanted to try something new... Hope you enjoyed it.

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