Special : Seokjin's promotion party

Start bij het begin

"Isnt Jin here yet?" He asked

"Nah , I was just calling him." 

Hoseok's POV

"I swear your red hair stands out among all." I tucked a hair of strand behind her ear as I fixed her necklace ..

"All done." I said as I hugged her from behind , she was wearing a silver elegant dress that fit her just at the right places..

"Yah- stop with all this otherwise we will get late." She complained

"No we won't , I am sure Jin himself isn't there yet."

I smiled as I made my grip stronger

"Save all this romance for later , let's go for now

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"Save all this romance for later , let's go for now."she laughed as we made our way outside .

Taehyung's  POV

"Jimin hyung ,jungkook would be angry."  I said


"Cause we decided to go together with our partners without informing jungkook , he will definitely be mad for not asking him to go along too ." I stared

"He always pranks me , this time it's my turn to prank him." He pulled off an evil smirk as he buttoned his coat .

We stepped out of our cars as we made our way towards the club

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We stepped out of our cars as we made our way towards the club ..

I heard ringing voice next to me and I smiled at her

I heard ringing voice next to me and I smiled at her

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