Case 3-Doctor dissected

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3rd person POV

"Goodbye Doctor" he spoke in a menacing voice as he slashed him on him chest and stabbed him multiple times one after another, she saw her father fall to the ground as he clutched his wound, the pain expression never leaving his face

The person leaned over his father "happy now?" He said as he once again stabbed him directly at his heart , finally draining life away from his body, and then what she saw next was worst , she saw him cut his limbs one by one , she saw him brutally stab him repeatedly ...

Thats too much , GOD !! She silently cried as she closed her eyes

She tried to cover her eyes, and so what more could she do, could she possibly save him? But how? Should she shout for help?? But how?? How is she gonna do that??
What if she gets stuck? What is she sees him and then its her who is next?

Tears trickled down her cheeks as she noticed the man giving off a hideous smile , smile that made the hair on every inch of her skin stand, smile that would haunt her for her entire life
She trembled, trembled with fear, trembled with horror , trembled with whats next to come

In front of her laid lifeless body of her father?her mother was already dead , now father too?
She tried to control her sobs , she tried to be strong but would any of you?? No right
Never in her life she had imagined that the only person that mattered to her would leave just like that

And after all whats the use of her existence ? She had thought ? What now??

She saw the whole scene with her own eyes , she was sure she is never gonna forget even a minute detail about it?
Now starting from this moment , she had started to loathe that person , that person who brutally murdered her father...

Did he know that she is here to?? She thought
What if he makes an attempt to find her next?

Should she run? Try to escape but it wasn't long before she realised that she was too numb to even shift let alone stand and run , after all she had seen her loved one die in front of her own eyes?

Who was he? What did he want from her father?
What is it that her father refused to give that he killed him

Oblong face , piercing eyes , protruding chin , long hair that were neatly tied at the back??
Did he look like a psycho?
Not to her at least
But she was sure of one thing , that she would recognise him even if he wears a mask..

But what about the world? Who will help us? I am all alone now? How will i say what i want to?
How will i deliver it to them?how? Is there anyone out there who will listen to my complains , my worries or my cries?

The shadow neared towards her as she stared at the marble floor
He is coming here its my time now .. chills ran down her spine as she saw the shadow coming towards her

She tried to get back , further back in the clothes... yes she was in the closet , she had seen all of this from inside the closet , now that person was approaching the closet , she would be next if he finds out ..

Getting further inside the closet , she did her best to keep herself hidden and then she heard it , the sound of door knob turning , she put her hand on her mouth , to prevent any sounds of sobs or breaths being heard ...
the light peeked in as the closet opened ..

God help me , she silently prayed

And God heard her , the person closed the door of the closet back , relief washed over her as she realised she made it ..

She remained hidden where she was until she heard the sound of roar of the car and then he was gone...

Coming out of the closet , the first thing she did was to be next to her father
"Dad ! Dad ! Wake up" she pleaded silently
"Don't leave me , you cant leave me alone!" She sobbed silently as her hands stained with blood ...

She had never imagined watching her dad in this state, it was too painful, it was hurting her too much ...
she let her tears fall silently as she continued to sob not knowing in the world what she would do now or what is there left ...

But for how long? For how long is she gonna cry like this and let that cruel person roam around the streets... she had to do something , she had to give her father justice .. and so she decided that she would fight for him

So what do you guys think??
Who will fight this case??

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