Part 1 - Ragged and Worn Out

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Namjoon's POV

"Hello, i am Y/n and i ..." a feminine voice caught my attention..

Raising my eyes from the file , i shot a glance towards her...

Though scrupulously clean, she was dressed in an odd assortment of worn and mismatched clothing

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Though scrupulously clean, she was dressed in an odd assortment of worn and mismatched clothing. Her worn out sandals looked out of place for a chilly autumn morning and her toes hung a good centimeter of more over their ends.

Her appearance definitely seemed off someone who had lost weight recently ,The dark circles underneath showed that she had been having sleepless nights recently,dried tears settled under her eyes..

"And you are?" I asked again

"I am y/n , i have filed for a case for my deceased son and i-." Before she could complete her sentence, i cut her off " sorry , i cant take your case." I replied

"But why?" Her expressions saddened..

"See i ll be honest with you , i dont think that you can pay for this case." I stated eyeing her up and down , she seemed to have understood what i meant and was taken aback by what i had just said.

" I stated eyeing her up and down , she seemed to have understood what i meant and was taken aback by what i had just said

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"Excuse me , but i thought that your office took all types of case and helped everyone." She spoke sounding bold

"Yeah but not the poor ones." I shrugged

"I cant believe it ." She said as her voice cracked.

"You know what forget it , i thought lawyers were people who would give justice to all, but no ! You guys only need money." She criticised before storming off the room.


A yawn escaped my mouth as i stretched my arms, rubbing my eyes , i glanced at my watch..

10.15 pm

Oh this late already.

Letting out an audible breath, i closed my laptop as i got up from my chair.

"Hyung!" The door clicked open

"Hyung!" The door clicked open

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