Part 4- Rose tinted cheeks

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Jungkook's POV

"Speak" I ordered as Kate Carter sat across me averting her gaze.

"I haven't done anything! I didn't kill her." She shot back

"Then why were you trying to run away"

"That was because..."

"We have an eye witness who said that he saw you texting someone about murdering Nina Ryans" y/n spoke looking at her

"Did you or did you not send those?" I scanned her eyes

"I did.."

"Then? And who was the person you were talking to?"

"A friend of mine"


"A friend of mine that's all , YAH I REALLY DIDN'T KILL HER! Yes I hated her , I disliked her ALOT but I didn't kill her, when the other day I got to know that she had got the main role instead of me , I couldn't take it , I was angry , and blamed her for all of that but I didn't kill her"

"Whatever, your justification is vague! Stay in prison until we find who is the real murderer , even if you haven't killed her , you are still a suspect." I spoke with a commanding tone .


"If she says that she isn't the murderer then who it is exactly!"

"You seriously believe her?" I asked displeased

"No , I mean maybe she didn't really kill her , like you know when we sometimes dislike a person so much that we want to kill them but we don't actually do it right."


"Like I want to kill you so bad but I can't you know" she joked with a fake laugh

"Wait what? What do you mean ?"

"Nothing , absolutely nothing" she did the "zipping up" her lips motion.

Narrowing my eyes , I walked closer to her , my gaze fixated on her..

I walked and walked and walked , getting closer and closer until she started backing away and her back finally hit the locker.

"What? What are. Y-you doing." She stuttered on her words

"You speak with so much confidence but what happens to you at my close proximity", I smirked

"Nothing ! Nothing ! What would happen t-to m-me" she put her hands on her hips raising her chest , trying to show her confidence

"God , you are so bad at it"

"Bad at what?"

"Acting!" I snapped at her as I placed both of my hands on the locker completely caving her, almost making her jump at the sudden act.


"Jungkook" I spoke "that's how you say it"

"Yah , move away." She hit my chest again and again trying her best to push me back , but much to her chagrin , I grabbed her arms and twisted her pulling her closer.

"Shh stop moving" I whispered in her ear , my hot breath dancing on her neck , I noticed the goosebumps that had arisen making her speechless because after that she didn't dare say anything.

"What?does that same old weird boy jungkook makes you nervous now?" I whispered in an husky voice.

She tried to break free , still not muttering a word as a blush crept up her cheeks

"Are you blushing y/n" I spoke softly touching her cheeks as she turned her face other sideways

Me: God Y/n
Brain: what?
Me : nothing she is just too
Brain: sexy?
Me: yes - What no I never said that
Brain: leave the poor girl alone
Me: no
Brain : come on

I finally decided to listen to my brain and with that I let go of her as she continued to avoid my gaze.

My mouth curled up in a smirk as I realised that I had won again.

My mouth curled up in a smirk as I realised that I had won again

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"Ehm Anyway.lets continue." I spoke as I sat on my chair

"Continue what?" She looked at me with fear

"Hahah" I laughed "no not that." I laughed even more

"Yah you are making fun of me." She spoke as a rose tint started to form on her cheeks yet again.

"Never mind , so what do you think? Is she speaking truth ?"

"I guess so" she replied

"You believe her?"

"It's not like I believe her , I just think that we should investigate further." She said biting her lip

Heart: aish don't do that!
Brain : aish don't do that !
Me: for the very first time In life , both of you agree to something
Brain: so ? Why are you so happy about it?
Heart: yea ! Do you like her that much already
Me: huh no!!
Brain: then why let such thoughts invade your mind?
Heart: geez , stop looking at her already , you ll make her nervous .
Me: I am not
Mind: yes you are , at those lips of hers
Me: I

"Jungkook" someone snapped their fingers in front of my eyes
"What's with you?" She asked , the faint blush still on her cheeks.
"Ah nothing , let's get to work."


So how was it ?
I know I am being slow with the updates , but that's just how it has become , I don't get much time , but I promise I am gonna update the next chapter as soon as possible ...
Also happy Ramadan to all the Muslims out there .. ❤️

More importantly , stay safe
Keep your immune system strong , wash your hands often with soap , sanitise your hands as frequently as possible , wear masks and gloves when going outside , avoid going to crowded places ...

Stay home and stay safe

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