Part 9-I wont ever let you go

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Jimin's POV

"Congrats bro!" Hoseok hyung came as he gave me a side hug
"I am sorry hyung , i had to fight against you!" I said
"Yaah- no need to, infact you opened my eyes, i didnt know i was on the wrong side.. i cant believe i actually believed in whatever they said ...but you know what its my fault too, i should have found more clues." He stated as he gave me a determined look...

"Thanks hyung."
"No problem, go someone is waiting for you outside."
I exited the office building only to see a pair of eyes smiling at me


My heartbeat started getting louder as i neared her..
"Y/n-." Before i could complete anything , i found 2 arms encircling me ...

Surprised..again??park jimin , what does this girl makes you feel??

I stood there in shock as she hugged me tightly
"Thankyou thankyou thankyou." She said finally breaking the hug and i swear this is the first time i saw her smiling genuinely ....

A relief formed in the depth of my heart...?was this what i was waiting for?? Her smile?? Is this what i wanted to see??

I touched my chest as the insanely fast heartbeat took my by surprise...

Brain: Whats wrong park jimin
Me: i dont know
Brain: are you falling for her ? I thought you werent interested in girls??
Me: i dont know.. i planned to stay single my entire life..
Brain: aish this naive guy

"Jimin-shi." She snapped her fingers in front of my eyes " where are you lost huh?" She said pulling a wide smile..

"Uh-nowhere." I said as i started walking along her
"So this is it then... you go your way , i go mine" she said as she smiled at me
"Wait.. i wanna take you somewhere." I blurted out to which she raised an eyebrow

"Just trust me." I said as i opened the car door for her ..
I brought my car to a halt as we both got out..
"Woah you bought me to a mall!" She said as her eyes practically popped out
"Yes.. do you wanna roam around the streets looking like that.. since its a good day today so i decided to buy you some clothes." I said as i pulled her hand and dragged her inside
"But jimin-shi.."
"Shh and by the way you can call me jimin." I said as we started searching the shops...
We looked in through multiple shops
"Y/n, we cant pick anything like this if you continue to worry about money.."
"But these are all too expensive" she said with worry
"Its okay, i am buying. You don't have to worry about it."
Finally we managed to buy some new clothes and new shoes , i also made her change into them ...
"Thankyou park jimin-shi." She thanked
"Just jimin." I corrected her to which she blushed and moved her hair strand behind her ear which somehow i found attractive

"Okay so lets-." She was about to bid goodbye but i stopped her
"There is a place which helps me relieve stress, would like to join me?" I smiled to which she paused for a while, thought and agreed.

"Woah this is beautiful" she exclaimed as she took in the appearance of the beautiful lake just in front of her ..
I don't blame her, it really was beautiful as it glistened under the impact of moonlight.. small waves forming and disappearing as they reflected the beautiful moon on them..
From a distance corner rustles of leaves could be heard as the wind passed by them...

I looked at her and took in her appearance , her innocent eyes appreciating the beauty of the lake, her small mouth wide open as she continued to compliment it now and then..
Her skin had some scars on them which made me admire her more because they tell me how much she went through but managed to stay strong...
Her long slender arms were too distracting as she pointed out to something at a distance..

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