Part 7-It can't be!

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Jimin's POV
" so when is the trial?" I asked as i walked in the office..
"Its tomorrow at 11am..." the officer replied...

Hmm.. i need to find out who it is before the trial... there is not much time left and i still don't know who the murderer is ...

What to do? What to do park jimin? Think !!!think !!!!
What if mom and dad are lying ? Or they are hiding something?
Because clearly they said that she was stealing their belongings but in the footage , the locker is perfectly closed...

Hmm.. "maybe i should investigate my own house " i muttered to myself as an idea erupted in my mind..
I didn't call my parents to let them know i was coming .. you can say i kinds broke into the house

I tiptoed upstairs making sure not to make a noise..
This is the perfect timing to sneak into Dad's study since they must be sleeping in their room...

"Yes!" I whispered in excitement as i found the study door unlocked ..

Closing the door carefully behind me , i made my way towards his laptop

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Closing the door carefully behind me , i made my way towards his laptop...
"F**k!" I cursed "its password protected"
"Okay think!!what could be the password?" I started putting random passwords ; numbers , names , date of births, bank account number , I.D card number , street numbers ,number plates but to no avail...
I pulled my hair in frustration "ughhh what could it be?"

I pulled my hair in frustration "ughhh what could it be?"

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"Wait a second, let me try uncle's Bank Account number." I tried it and "ta -dah" the laptop opened ...

Really dad?? You had uncle's bank account no as your password??

I searched through all the files and everything until i came across a footage ..
"This is it!" I played it ...
Y/n entered the locker room, and ..... she did not approach towards the locker? Instead she started cleaning the room... so she was sent to clean it ...
After a while my uncle came as he locked the door of the room "what the hell!" I cursed as he approached her , fear engulfed her body as she saw my uncle approaching her ...
Going for her directly , he gripped her hands directly as she struggled to get out of his hold ..
She continued to shout for help but no one came...

Finally he managed to lay her down on the floor forcefully as his hand reached out to his pocket taking out a ..... knife??

He started teasing her with a knife as he scratched a part of her skin with it ..
He motioned her to shut up as he threated her with the knife...... she continued to struggle under his weight while he continued to harass her
"F**k ! F**k !" I cursed as i moved away my eyes from the screen " i cant watch it" i said as tears started to form in my eyes "how did you go through all that? Huh y/n?" Tears finally rolled down my eyes as i punched  the table in frustration

 she continued to struggle under his weight while he continued to harass her "F**k ! F**k !" I cursed as i moved away my eyes from the screen " i cant watch it" i said as tears started to form in my eyes "how did you go through all that? Huh y/n?"...

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"Why uncle why?? I thought you were the best , i thought not even a slight of dirt has touched your soul, i loved you with all my heart.. how could you do all this to an innocent soul." I gritted my teeth as y/n image flashed in my mind...

" I gritted my teeth as y/n image flashed in my mind

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I forwarded the video because i couldn't see it ... i forwarded it until that ba*tard was done with his work....
between the clip i saw y/n hand's moving behind my uncle...
"So thats how it was?" I spoke as saw y/n pulling out the same knife from his back pocket again and stabbing him with it ..
Uncle didnt fell , instead he tried to go after her clutching his wound as she ran out ..
But the footage wasn't finished yet.. what i saw next made my jaw drop...

It cant be

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