Part 2 - As cold as a stone

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3rd person's POV

Tyson brought the car at a halt as he pecked on y/n 's lips.
"Go and rest ok! See ya later, tomorrow we ll go meet the lawyer again,for now just rest." He said as pecked at her lips again.

"Okay bye." Y/n smiled at him as she opened the car door "i ll see you tomorrow" she spoke almost lovingly.

Just when she was about the get out of the car , she noticed something glistening on his hand
"Hey whats that ?" She asked as she looked at the stone bracelet on her boyfriend's hand.

"Ah this.." he jerked his hand off her as nervousness flashed in his eyes "w- well my mom gifted it to me , its pretty right." He said as he looked at the bracelet again.

"Yeah it really is" she said , her eyes still fixed on the captivating piece of art.

It really was beautiful? There were all kinds of stones in it,perfectly and neatly beaded together, it was so bewitching, she just couldn't take her eyes off it ..

"Ah -i guess you should get going , its getting late." Tyson snapped her out of her thoughts

"Y-yeah." She smiled as she got out of the car after giving the bracelet a last glance.


Sitting on her bed holding her favourite teddy bear , she just couldn't help but think about that stone bracelet.

She didn't want the weird thoughts that were consuming  her mind  to get her, she trusted her boyfriend alot, she knew he would never murder someone .

But she can't blame herself too, the stones were the same , it seemed as if the bracelet and the ring was made by the same person..

Could it be ?
No it cant be


"So they gave their statements huh? Why are they getting in my way?"The man spoke as he clenched the car wheel in front of him.

Anger getting the best of him

"Don't worry , i am as cold as a stone,i ll show you all, you are my next target y/n , after all you are a red haired beauty too and as they say i admire these red crimson hair."He smirked as he smoked the cigarette that had been in his hand for a while, puffing out a final cloud of smoke , he pulled down his mirror and threw the cigarette out , as the stones on his wrist glistened by the  moonlight.

Hoseok's PoV

"So that psycho out there is targeting red heads,all the 20 victims were red heads. What could be his purpose?" I spoke

"Maybe he just admires red hair alot" taehyung spoke

"Maybe he just admires red hair alot" taehyung spoke

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