Ch.40 Redepmtion Arc (lol)

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"Wow, what a drama queen," Lizzie sighed while rolling her eyes.

"We literally just showed that we can defeat you though," Josie said frowning and Landivore just glared at her before shooting a fire ball at her. Josie, like the pyromaniac she is sometimes, created her own flames that sliced the fire ball in two.

"Lizzie, Josie, use your magic to contain his flames," Hope inrsructed, "I'll try to get close and fight him, Landon was never good at actual fighting and Malivore is in his body. No matter what training he got...he's still physically Landon."

"What about me, Tribrid?" Penelope asked.

"When I pin him down, you infoltrate his mind with as much force and power as possible," Hope replied, "It may be harder this time but you have to try."

"Okay then," Penelope nodded and the girls went to work.

The twins shot with spells and directed Landivore's flames away from Hope. Hope took quick jabs or threw spells at him up close. Hope used her vampire speed to gather up enough momentum to ram into him and send him flying. She also used her speed to quickly whisk into the school to grab Dr.Saltzman's sword and come back. She took the sword and stabbed Landivore just as he was about to jump back onto his feet. Hope jumped back and looked at the twins who immidiately knew what she was thinking. The three held hands and recited a spell that would keep Landivore down and that sword down into his stomach.

"Now Penelope!" Hope yelled before quickly going back to reciting the spell.

Penelope sat down behind the three and closed her eyes. She concentrated hard and when she opened her eyes, she was in that mental dimension. She reached out to Landivore's mind and jumped right in.

As she expected, there was a cold and empty darkness. She could feel what his prisoners were feeling, she could hear what they were thinking but this time; it did not faze her. She concentrated harder as she walked through the darkness, she didn't even know if her eyes were closed or open. She knew how to find Landon, she concentrated even harder to look for Landon's conciousness. She pushed out the little memories she had with him and when she looked up (or opened her eyes) she saw Landon laying there, two-thirds mud.

"Landon," Penelope said and repeated over and over again as she shook his still body.

When Landon wasn't waking up that way, she put her hands on his head and forced her way into his mind. She was tired and had a headache but this was all going to be worth it.

When she got into Landon's mind's  center, she pulled out his memories. All the good ones that were being suppressed by the bad ones and Malivore's mind.

For Landon it was like an acid dream, a flashback of every moment in his life where he felt true happiness. Even the memories of his mom that were "erased" when she jumped into Malivore. Landon's eyes flew open but he could not move or escape his mud trap for a dad.

"Landon is that you?" Penelope asked.

"Yup, its me," Landon sighed, "It's over isn't it?"

"It doesn't have to be," Penelope said, "Help me fight your dad's presence out of your head."

"It's too late for that," Landon said, "His soul is linked to mine, i'll die. Then again, even if you kill him regularly...I die."

"What?" Penelope asked, she was a bit slow due to the annoying headache she had. She then realized a soul linking spell was used and cursed, "Let me guess...a heretic?"

"Yup...but there may be a way," Landon said, "Pull me put of my body and into that mental dimension or whatever."

"You want me to permenantly keep you in a different, not too physical dimension?" Penelope asked in disbelief.

"'ll be like the arrow except not as lonely," Landon said, "At least, I'll be able to watch you the arrow it was like a whole blank world."

"Hmmm...okay," Penelope sighed, "your wish is my command."

Penelope grabbed Landon's mind's body and used the last of her strength and magic to throw him into the other plane.

Before she passed out, she heard Landon say:

"Even a chicken has guts."

So I know I promised some of you he'd "die" but this is the closest thing to Landon dying as we can get. Now, Malivore will die but Landon...he's going to be like those supernaturals that were stuck in the Other Side.

On another note, have any of you watched Skam France S6? I love Maya and Lola! Mayla for life, so sad Lola's POV is over :(((

Anywho, thanks for reading!

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