Ch.26 Your Lack Of 'Game' Is Terrifying

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The next day was Friday and after classes MG and Kaleb took Quinn under their wing and decided to teach her the "art of flirting."

"When I'm done helping Lizzie with her problem, tell me everything those two tell you," Penelope said to Quinn before leaving her with the boys, "I'm allowed to debunk what they say; I got the girl."

And with that, she clapped Quinn's shoulder and went on her way to Lizzie's room. When she arrived, she knocked on the door and it immidiately opened.

"Good, you're here," Lizzie said quickly, pulling Penelope into the room.

She forced Penelope to sit down next to her and she went over her plan to asking out Hope. And after about an hour...she was done.

"So...what do you think?" Lizzie huffed, as she looked at an overwhelmed Penelope.

"That's great and all...but why is this in Days? You should do it today or tomorrow," Penelope said and Lizzie jumped up.

"What? Isn't that too soon?" Lizzie asked.

"Not if you start now," Penelope said smiling and with that, the door to the room opened and Hope came in with Josie behind her.

"Josie said you wanted to talk?" Hope said to Lizzie and the taller girl was speechless.

"Ha ha yeah...just give me a second to say something to Penelope," Lizzie said, pulling Penelope into the bathroom.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She hissed.

"I'm helping you! Go to the Mystic Grill for dinner and say my name to the manager," Penelope explained, "There you'll have quite a meal."

"Is...this a set up date?" Lizzie whispered.

"Mmm...if you want it to be," Penelope shrugged, "I just gave you a place and food, everything else is up to you."

And with that Penelope walked out of the bathroom and walked out of the room with Josie. When Lizzie came out of the bathroom, Hope looked concerned.

"What's going on?" Hope asked, stepping closer to her.

"Ah you want to go into town with me? We can see a movie and then have dinner at the Mystic Grill," she asked her, hoping that her nervousness wasn't apparent.

"Yeah, I'd love to," Hope smiled and the two made their way out.

When they got to town, they got popcorn and watched a movie. It was a cheesy comedy that Lizzie thought was 'total cringe' but was curious to watch it anyways. When the movie ended it was around 7PM so they headed to the Mystic Grill and got a booth.

"Hold on, I need to quickly do something," Lizzie said getting up, "Don't order anything!"

"Uh, ok?" Hope said as she watched Lizzie get up and approach the manager. When Lizzie came back she looked incredibly perky.

"What was that about?" Hope asked.

"Oh, well, that's for us to find out," Lizzie chuckled and Hope smiled, she always liked this chill, kinda cool Lizzie.

The food came within just a few minutes. The waiter first brought them appetizers, then the main course of steak with grilled onions and mashed potatoes, an off menu papaya salad, and cocktails.

"Alcohol?" Hope asked and Lizzie got nervous.

"Ha ha yeah...only a little bit..." Lizzie said but she was thinking, What the hell Penelope Park how did you get a restaurant to give you alcohol.

As they ate, they didn't notice the couple sitting behind them. And that couple just so happened to be Penelope and Josie.

"What're they thinking?" Josie asked.

"Lizzie's thoughts are going like 3 million miles an hour while Jope just keeps thinking things like, 'Wow I like her' or 'Wow I love this side of her'," Penelope chuckled.

"I still can't believe you made MG use compulsion on the manager to have this meal ready whenever you want," Josie said.

"I mean, it's very useful isn't it?" Penelope laughed as she ate her steak.

As the meal went on, it was finally time for dessert and Penelope had something up her sleeve. She texted Lizzie to meet her in the bathroom. When she went in, Lizzie came in about 5 minutes later.

"Why're you here?" Lizzie asked impatiently.

"Oh I'm just enjoying a meal with my own girlfriend," Penelope smiled, "So....are you going so ask her out?"

"Yes," Lizzie said confidently, "I think I will, how were her thoughts?"

"All about how much she likes you," Penelope said before crinkling her nose, "It was kinda uncomfortable to listen to them."

"Well if she says yes, you won't have to ever again," Lizzie said, smiling with confidence and leaving the bathroom.

"Well then," Penelope sighed before leaving the bathroom as well.

When she got back to the table, their dessert was there: a giant banana splits. As Lizzie was eating, she was thinking of the words she was going to use to ask Hooe out. Most of the time she planned things ahead way ahead of time so this was kind of stressful. Before she knew it, the ice cream was gone and the two were on their way out of the restaurant. As they were walking back to the school Lizzie finally had enough courage to say what she wanted to say.

"Hey Hope," Lizzi3 began and Hope looked at her, "We've been friends for some time now and I know I haven't exactly been the best est friend ever since I met you... but that was because I was jealous of you."

"Yeah I know," Hope replied, "And it's alright. I did feel a little bad whenever I pulled your dad away from you and Josie because of a monster thing."

"Ha ha yeah...but regardless, I've always thought you were pretty cool, and brave, and amazing. And when we did become friends, I realized something..." Lizzie said, stopping in her tracks, Hooe turned around and faced her.

"I realized that...I like you," Lizzie said, looking Hope straight in the eyes, "I-I like you more than just a friend, I mean."

There was silence and since it was dark, they could just barely see each other. Lizzie's anxiety levels were off the charts, her heart was beating fast and she had a heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach. As for Hope, she was both surprised and relieved. She knew Lizzie couldn't clearly see her facial expression, but she was happy. Hope stepped closer to Lizzie who was uncharacteristically silent and still.

"I like you too," Hope said, gazing into her eyes.

"T-theb will you-" Before she could finish the question, Hope went on her tippy-toes and gently kissed the taller girl.

Her arms went around Lizzie's neck as Lizzie wrapped her arms around Hope. When they I pulled away from each other the both of them began to laugh. Penelope and Josie who were hiding, looked at each other with triumph written all over their faces. They got up and ran to the two.

"Yeah! Whooo!" Penleope whooped, scaring Hope.

"What the- were you two watching us from the woods?" Lizzie yelped.

"Yes ma'am," Penelope winked and Josie laughed.

"Hizzie is now official!" Josie said, high-fiving her girlfriend.

"Hizzie?" The new couple said at the same time.

"Yeah that's your ship name," Penelope replied nonchalantly.

As the girls continued to walk back to school, they didn't notice the figure stalking them.

"Wow..." Landon said, "Two girls that I thought were straight as a line are dating...the girl who broke my heart and the girl who wouldn't stop reminding me of that. Even more reason to end them all."

He followed them back to the school and using the amulet that Clarke gave him, was able to make it through the electronic gate without being detected.

Hello everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your dose of Hizzie and Posie! Now we back on track!

Thank you for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed it and hope you have a wonderful day :)

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