Ch.11 Friday, I'm In Love

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It has been two weeks since Hope awoke, two weeks since the Necromancer ran off with the dark magic from Josie, and two weeks of unconcious Landon. Hope has been on the edge, Raf is slowly losing hope, MG is tired as hell, Lizzie's patience is wearing incredibly thin, and Josie finally makes the call to get adult help.

"Hi Mom, I know you're working but this is something we really need help on," Josie asked.

"It's alright Josie, I just finished my work for the day," Caroline said sighing as she sat down.

"Landon was stabbed with the golden arrow and hasn't woken up," Josie explained, "We've tried spells and we can't make him die because we don't know if he'll come back to life."

"I think your friend Landon might be stuck in something like the Other Side," Caroline explained, "Since he cannot die and the loophole is that arrow, I think it may be the balance from nature...his soul could be in the arrow."

"So what you're saying is that the arrow is nature's way of enabling Landon to 'die' die?" Josie said, looking at the others who showed quiet shock.

"I'm afraid so..." Caroline said her voice trailing off.

"Well do you know how to make his soul go back to his body?" Josie asked, "Or have a guess on how to make it go back to his body?"

"I'm not too sure..." Caroline said thinking, "I'm going to be coming home soon and I'll bring some people with me who can help."

Josie and Lizzie immediately bolted straight up on to their feet and said in unison: "YOU'RE COMING HOME?"

"Ha ha yes I am," Caroline chuckled at her daughters' sudden ear piercing yells into the phone.

"Yes! Mom, will you stay longer this time?" Lizzie asked.

"Wait...does this mean you found a way to stop the merge?" Josie asked and everyone looked at Josie wide-eyed.

"Yes and yes," Caroline said confidently and even though she couldn't see it...she was happy that her girls were smiling.

After ending the call, Lizzie and Josie were squealing in delight at the return of their mother. The others were not only happy for them but happy that someone might be able to wake up Landon. Over a week passes, everything was pretty peaceful. Classes were going on, and Caroline was on her way back to Mystic Falls with a couple of special someones...

Except it's early Friday morning and the Necromancer is blasting Friday I'm In Love by The Cure. Worst of all...

He's singing along while summoning zombies.

"What is his problem and why the hell is he singing?" Lizzie yelled as she sent a wave of magic at three zombies, sending them flying. MG immediately sliced their heads off.

"I don't know...but when we get to him, I'm stuffing that microphone down his throat," Kaleb yelled, decapitating a zombie.

"AH DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MODERN TECHNOLOGY!" Necromancer cackled, "That song is my new favorite song, I'll sing it again..."

"WHAT?" Literally every student fighting a zombie yelled and that just made him cackle harder.

"I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday, I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm-" Before he could finish the verse, Hope yelled: "Silencio!" And he immediately shut up.

"Oh thank it's just the music..." Raf sighed but that just infuriated the Necromancer, so he summoned dozens, hundreds of more zombies.

After four hours of fighting, they finally took down every zombie and captured the Necromancer. They tied him up in rope, brought him down to the basement, before then shackling him up as well. And so no one can go into the basement and speak to him, like a certain Hope Mikaelson, Dr.Saltzman locked the basement and kept the key with him at all times.

"Dad, he might now how to revive Landon!" Josie insisted.

"Josie, your mother will be home tonight with our friends who can help him." Dr.Saltzman said pleasingly, "Wait for just a little while longer."

"But Dr.Saltzman, he might be able to actually see him...since he's not 'dead' dead," Hope persisted instead of Josie.

"What makes you so sure that our friends won't be able to do that, hm?" Dr.Saltzman asked, eyeing the two of them and they just stared at him like he spoke in a different language.

"Just go, girls," Dr.Saltzman sighed but unknown to him, Josie had just stole the key to the basement from his jacket hanging from the back of his chair.

"Fine..." Hope said, smiling at Josie and they both made their way out of his office.

"Okay let's go talk to him," Josie said, "If he tries to manipulate one of us, the other can pull the manipulated one back."

The two made their way to the basement and confronted the Necromancer.

"Ah yes, dearest Hope and powerhouse Josie..."Necromancer chuckled, "Ready for round two?"

"Yes, actually," Hope said and they both walked into the cell and Hope used a spell turn him upside down in the air.

"How does that Golden Arrow work?" Hope demanded.

"It's an arrow! You kill people with it!" Necromancer exclaimed, looking at Hope like she was stupid.

"No, it hasn't killed Landon at all...he's in something like a coma," Josie said.

"Then it's a magically induced death coma," Nectomancer said, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"We think his soul is stuck in the arrow," Hope said and the Necromancer's eyes widened.

"You girls are either smarter than I thought or someone smarter told you that," Necromancer chuckled and Hope dropped him. He grunted and landed on his side.

"So it's true?" Josie asked, crouching down to his level.

"Yeah, that's as far as you'll get anyways," Necromancer shrugged, "Even I don't know how to unseal his soul."

"So his soul is sealed? Every spell has a loophole..." Hope said talking to herself.

"Like I said...whatever helps you sleep at night," he sighed, he was clearly getting bored if not already bored.

"Ca-" Before Josie could ask her next question, Dr.Saltzman's voice echoed from the top of the stairwell.

"Josette Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson, get up here!"

"But dad-" as they argue yelled, the Necromancer just sighed and started singing the song from before.

Josie stormed up the stairs and when she reached the top of the stairwell she saw her dad, mom and...

"Hey Jojo," Penelope said, trying for a smile.

Before the door slammed shut behind Hope you could hear the Necromancer finish the verse he didn't get to finish before:

"Friday, I'm in love!"


I meant to publish this way earlier but something was wrong with my Wattpad.

I hope you all liked this chapter, I certainly had fun implementing the song Friday I'm In Love by The Cure XD

Super Squad (Mostly Posie And More)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz