Ch.27 Blood Moon

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"Quinn, what's wrong?" Beacon asked his older sister.

"I-I don't know..." Quinn groaned, as she tossed and turned, "I don't feel good..."

Quinn's eyes widened and she began to scream in pain. Beacon yelped and bolted straight out of the room, calling for help. He ran into MG and Penelope and explained everything. They ran back to Quinn's room and she wasn't screaming anymore but the blankets and pillows were ripped.

"What's wrong with my sister?" Beacon cried in horror.

"Hold on let me find out..." Penelope said, she closed her eyes and concentrated on Quinn.

Like a wave, Quinn's thoughts and feelings overwhelmed her. She felt a lot of fear and anger...but there was something...magic related to all of this. Something was triggering her negative emotions, making them go to their extreme. When Penelope opened her eyes she was in some sort dimension. She was in some forrest and it was getting dark and it looked like she was in the past. She heard sound and movement to her left so she cautiously approached the source. When she pushed back some leaves, she saw a camp. There was a giant bonfire and people with tents made of animal skins and cloth. The apparel of the people made it quite obvious that this was hundreds...maybe even a thousand years ago. The people were speaking a language that she couldn't understand but as she watched them, she discovered they were a coven of siphoners. After maybe an hour, they all settled down around the fire. It was eerily quiet and Penelope just stood there and watched. There was something about this scene that was very familiar...the location may be?

But then something happened, a huge gust of wind blew and some how the giant bonfire turned a blood red before going out. When Penelope looked was a total lunar eclipse...a Blood Moon. The witches began to chant and as they chanted they began to transform...into werewolves. Some of them were in pain, going through a traditional werewolf transformation, they were probably new at this or regular werewolves. When they all transformed, most of them had crimson red eyes, Penelope was right about some of them being regular wolves. When one of them looked straight at her, she was paralyzed with fear.

And then...

She was thrown back into reality.

"Peez! What happened?" MG asked as Penelope sat up, she was on the floor.

"I...saw a vision and I think it's related to what's wrong with Quinn," Penelope explained before turning to Beacon, "Do you know if your parents were actively part of a coven?"

"What's a coven?" Beacon asked and the other two sighed.

"That's a no...and that's alright..." Penelope said before getting up, "MG you stay here and I'll get Josie to help keep an eye on her. I need to speak with Hope, Dr.Saltzman, and Caroline."

Penelope ran to her room and found Josie in there reading, she told Josie what was going on. Josie immidiately ran to Quinn's room as Penelope headed to Hope and Lizzie's room. She pounded on the door until an irritated Lizzie opened the door.

"What the hell do you want, Satan?" She asked, glaring at the shorter girl.

"Hope...I need Hope and we need to talk to Dr.Saltzman and Caroline," She explined quickly, "Something is happening with Quinn."

Hope appeared at the door way, ready to go to Dr.Saltzman's office. Lizzie decided to to to Quinn's room to help MG and Josie. When the two witches arrived at Dr.Saltzman's door, they did not hesitate to barge in.

"Dr.Saltzman this is an emergency!" Hope said slamming her hands on Dr.Saltzman's desk.

"What's going on now?" Dr.Saltzman asked.

"Something is happening to Quinn and I think it has something to do with a Were-witch coven her family probably belongs to," Penelope explained.

"There are only a few were-witch covens...hold on..." Dr.Saltzman said and he got up and pulled out an old book from the bookshelf. He put it down and they quickly flipped through pages and pages of different covens until Penelope found one that matches the description of the were-witches she saw.

"Blood Moon Coven...what creative naming..." Penelope muttered before proceeding to read outloud what it said about the coven.

"The Blood Moon Coven is a family of forsaken siphoners that possess the werewolf gene. The first generation of were-witches in this coven created a powerful ritual spell that can only be performed on a Blood Moon which happens 2 times every 3 years. This ritual is mainly for first time transformers. If a member of the coven doesn't kill someone by their thirteenth birthday and perform the ritual on the next Blood Moon...they'll either die or permanently become a wolf."

"When is the next Blood Moon?" Hope asked, worriedly.

"In two days," Caroline said, appearing in the room, "All the members of the Blood Moon Coven have been killed, all except Quinn and Beacon."

"How come Beacon isn't like Quinn?" Penelope asked.

"Because they don't actually have the same mother...I don't think they know that. Quinn's mother was a were-witch that died a few years after she was born, she was part of the Blood Moon Coven," Caroline explained, "I found out when when I went to get the two."

"So what do we do? We can't just let her kill someone!" Hope said and as they continued to try and find a way for Quinn to survive. Landon was in the school, heading straight for Quinn's room.

In Quinn's room, everything was quiet. MG, Lizzie, and Josie briefly left the room to get snacks, water, and ice packs for Quinn. Beacon kept an eye on his sister. Landon quietly opened the door, he quietly approached Beacon from behind and knocked him out. Landon then turned to Quinn who was partially conscious and wanted to fight him
for hurting her brother but she couldn't. Landon took out a little vial with a potion in it and forced Quinn to open her mouth to swallow it. Nothing happened at first but then she began tremble.

"OH MY GOD, QUINN!" Josie screamed and then she saw Landon, "What the hell?"

MG and Lizzie came rushing into the room. MG and Lizzie tackled Landon to the ground as Josie picked up Beacon and rested him against the wall. She then approached Quinn who was spazing out.

"What did you do?" Josie cried as she tried to stop Quinn from shaking, she tried to calm her down but to no avail.

"I helped her," Landon smiled coldly.

Quinn grabbed Josie and siphoned magic from her until Josie pushed herself free. Quinn's eyes were glowing red and she sent out a giant wave of energy, thrusting everyone in the room into the wall or floor. Landon recovered first, he got onto his feet and jumped out of the window.

"See you all soon..." Landon whispered as he flew off into the night.

Ha ha, so I have an idea for what I'm going to do with Landon! Thank you everyone who participated and gave me suggestions! Two helpful souls were MurphTheCat and fairytailfinatic.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and have a nice day! Thank you for reading!

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