Ch.16 Heretics Be Like-

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The Super Squad and their chaperone have been on the road for a solid six hours, only taking stops for the bathroom. Lizzie, MG, Hope, and Penelope were playing a game of Mafia while Josie took a nap, Landon and Raf watched a movie, and Kaleb was asking for advice from Emma. When they finally arrived in Cherry Hill, New Jersey after another six hours, it was 8PM. They checked into a motel, the four girls in one room and the four boys in the room next door while Emma had her own room.

"Do you think Emma would notice if we snuck out?" Lizzie asked.

"I'm pretty sure she's spelled the doors to keep us in here," Hope replied as she sat down on the bed, drying her hair.

"Well we could siphon the magic," Lizzie reasoned, "We've never been to New Jersey before...I wonder of people really have that accent..."

"Lizzie, we shouldn't go out," Josie pitched in, "We came here because mom went missing, there's probably something strange going on here."

"Ugh, fine," Lizzie pouted before making her way to the bathroom to take her shower.

As the girls were getting ready to sleep, the boys were doing exactly what Lizzie wanted to do.

"Yeah, boys night!" Kaleb said swinging an arm around MG.

"Guys, are you sure this is a good idea?" MG asked.

"Its fine, we won't be gone for too long...we'll just grab a bite to eat and walk around for a bit," Raf replied, calming down MG's nerves a little bit.

"Where are we going?" Landon asked, as the four exited the motel parking lot.

"I saw a diner down the road while we were on our way here," Kaleb answered, looking to his left, "Let's hope it's got some good burgers."

As the four were walking down the sidewalk, they didn't notice the shadows stalking them. As they got closer to the diner, the shadows gkt closer and closer...and luckily, MG heard them. He stopped and the others looked at him weirdly, he turned around and yelled:

"Whoever is following us...come out!"

A a long eerie silence passes before a soundless figure approaches them, joined by another. As they got closer, they realized...they were vampires.

"Hey there fellas, can we're just like don't come looking at us like we're a meal..." Kaleb said as the vampires either had their eyes locked on MG or Kaleb.

"What's wrong with them...?" Landon whispered, they clearly had no interest in anyone else except the two teenage vampires.

When the several figures were close enough, they used their speed and lunged at MG and Kaleb; they narrowly dodged using their own speed. Raf up-rooted a sign and smacked one of them straight in the face, making him pass out. The other few, were still going at Kaleb and MG. After fighting them all one by one, they thought it was over until out of the blue another vampire came and knocked out Landon and Kaleb. MG and Raf tried to fight but right as Raf launched the sign at the other guy: he vanished.

"Augh! We lost them!" Raf growled.

"We have to tell the others," MG said.

So they ran back to the hotel and banged on the girls door. A very pissed Lizzie Saltzman answered.

"What the hell?" Lizzie asked and the two pushed their way in.

"We got ambushed by some vampires that took Landon and Kaleb," Raf explained.

"Well let's do a shadow locator spell then," Hope groggy suggested as she got out of bed.

They prepared the materials for the locator spell: one of Landon's socks, a strand of Landon's hair that was on his shirt, and Hope's blood. Hope cut her palm and let her blood bleed out.

"Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras!" Hope chanted and as soon as the words fell from her lips, she received visual snippets of where they were. She got a street, the entrance to the building and a dark musty room. In that room, was a passed out Landon, Kaleb and a few others. A boy and a girl. But that's all she got before the vision ended. She told them the street and they immediately went to Emma. They got into the van and drove up to the house on the street Hope saw. As they exited their vehicle, they were confronted by multiple people. And guess what they did? They fought.

"Incendia!" Josie said and the vampire in front caught on fire.

"Wow, babe," Penelope huffed as she knocked back a witch with a spell, "That was hot."

"Shut up," Josie said and Penelope smirked.

"Less flirting, more fighting!" Lizzie yelled as she released a wave of magic, knocking back two vampires.

As they continued to fight they noticed, the witches and vampires just kept getting back up. They were quickly getting tired and their foes just kept getting back up, even the one Josie set on fire or the ones they thought they knocked out.

"What's with these people?" Raf growled as they started to corner the group of teenagers and Emma.

"Wait a minute..." Hole muttered, she noticed all of them, even the presumed witches, had the veins near their eyes darkened.

"They're not just any kind of vampires or witches...they're hybrids," Emma said, "Heretics you could say."

"What?" The others said as they were backed into a corner.

"That's enough my minions," a woman's voice said, and they all stopped.

"Who are you?" Emma asked, cautiously putting herself between the approaching woman and the teens.

"My name is Valerie...why are you here?" The woman asked, as she stepped into the light of the streetlight, they could see what she looked like. She was a tall, youthful woman, dirty blonde, woman with dark and stormy blue eyes.

"We're here because we believe you have two of our friends," Hope said stepping forward.

"Oh yes, my children collected a vampire and a strange boy earlier..." Valerie said.

"Can we have them back...?" Penelope asked bluntly and Valerie smiled.

"Of course," she replied, "To be honest, I thought you lot were a girl I know named Caroline... one of your boys mentioned her name...and they were ordered to capture anyone who said it."

"You know our mom?" Lizzie asked and Valerie's chill expression turned into a frown.

"Your mom...?" Valerie asked before it clicked, "Oh my, you two are the Saltzman twins! Oh my, it has been years since I last saw you two."

"Um yeah?" Josie said awkwardly as Valerie smiled, kind of creepily, at the two.

"Well now I just can't let you go," Valerie laughed and the others looked at her crazily.

"Restrain them," she ordered and her Heretics forced magic handcuffs on their wrists.

"I'm sorry girls...this has nothing to do with you...but everything to do with Caroline and the kids she's trying to take from me," Valerie said, half heartedly and lead them into the old building.

Sorry that it took me two days to publish this. I promise the other one should be up later on today or by tomorrow night.

Hope you enjoyed this short chapter, everything is about to get interesting....again.

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