Ch. 30 Easy Way Or Hard Way Lando?

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The day after the battle was basically a day off. It was chill, some kids were allowed to be excused from class because of injuries, and all the adults except for teachers were taking turns guarding Landon and Necromancer. Last night they unfortunately lost hold of Clarke so they beefed up defenses as best they could. Bonnie created and programmed statues like the gargoyle from so long ago to attack unauthorized supernaturals. Emma helped by creating a supernatural sonar system that could detect any approaching supernaturals within a hundred miles on all sides of the school. Jeremy helped set up traps with timers for the night time all around the perimeter of the school and it's grounds. While all of the defenses were being set up, Dr.Saltzman and Caroline were interrogating Necromancer while the Super Squad was allowed to interrogate Landon.

"C'mon Landon! Why the hell are you doing this?" Lizzie yelled at him.

"Oh please, I'm pretty sure it's obvious that you're part of the reason," Landon rolled his eyes.

"Why do you sound so different? The Landon I know would never talk like that," Raf frowned, examining Landon, "No one just changes like that..."

"Maybe it's because of all the times he passed out and Malivore got into his head," Penelope suggested, "I can feel that his mind isn't 'normal' right now."

"What do you mean he's not normal?" MG asked.

"Well, when someone's brain has been psychically/mentally touched and altered by someone other than can tell," She said, "For example, I can tell when a human was compulsed by a vampire."

"Oh wow, okay that's cool..." MG said, thinking about it.

"So can you fix him?" Raf asked.

"I don't need to be fixed," Landon sneered, "This is exactly why I left! You people always think there's something wrong with me or that I need to be fixed but you never once understood or even asked how I felt about everything. I mean like, Hope kind of did but she's always off doing a hero thing and doesn't understand."

"Don't bring Hope into this you hobbit," Lizzie said glaring at him, at the moment Hope wasn't in the room because she was helping Emma with the supernatural sonar.

"Lizzie...chill..." Josie said, putting a hand on her sister's shoulder, "Why don't we take a break and get a snack, guys?"

"Good idea, want anything, Landon?" MG asked him and Landon turned away, not answering.

MG shrugged and sighed before they left the cell. Penelope put up all the locks and spells for the door before following everyone else upstairs.

Landon sat there in the cold musty room, chained and bound to a chair. He couldn't move any part of his body and he never felt more alone. He couldn't help but think about all these things that made him angry. He also couldn't help but think about what Penelope said about his mind being altered...his mind wasn't altered was it?

Back with the Super Squad, they walked into the kitchen grabbed some snacks. When they went to the djning hall to hangout, they saw Quinn and her friends sitting on the other side of the hall studying for something while snacking. It was nice to see Quinn well adjusted and that no one treated her differently. They sat down and they caught Sydney walking up to Quinn, she said something before kissing her on the cheek and leaving. The others snicked and they started whistling, Quinn looked around, red-faced and saw them. She turned red and immidiatwly stuffed her face in a book.

" be young and in love!" MG joked and the others laughed.

They all talked for awhile before Hope came in and plopped into the chair next to Lizzie, exhausted.

"Hey was the interrogation?" She sighed, taking a chip from Lizzie.

"All we got out of him was that he's an angsty teenager and he's basically been mind-tapped," MG answered before slurping up his smoothie.

"How do you think his mind being 'tapped' influenced him into acting the way he is?" Hope asked.

"Well he's always felt useless or weak or a burden, and when he finally starts trying to do stuff on his own...people baby him," Penelope said, "He feels underestimated, he feels like out definition of family isn't really holding up for him on his end."

When Penelope was done talking, everyone reflected on their actions and the way they've been with Landon. They always thought he was a cool guy who was always lost and needed help. They never noticed him trying stuff out for his own, they just saw it as him about to mess another thing up. The only person who wasn't reflecting was Penelope, the one time she interacted with the guy one-on-one was back on the Miss.Mystic Falls Pagaent, on the night she left.

" do we get through this angsty Landon?" Josie asked, breaking the silence. Everyone looked to Penelope: she was the psychic after all.

"I'd have to go into his mind and get personal," she sighed, "Only problem is, all that angst is pretty thick. But luckily, his emptions are heightened so they'll be easy to manipulate."

"But we shouldn't try to manipulate him with his feelings and memories," Raf said, "That's probably how Malivore did it... we'll be no better than Malivore."

"What if we weaken him andforce him to open up, doing it all on his own?" Hope suggested.

"How do we do that?" Josie asked.

"I know exactly who can do that,"  Penelope smirked as she got up and walked across the hall, "Quinn."

"Huh?" Quinn looked up at Penelope who was standing at her and her friend's table.

"We need your help with something..." Penelope said before explaining everything to Quinn, who just listened.

The others were watching Penelope whisper to Quinn, wondering what the heck was going on. So when Penelope and Quinn got up and were walking out, the others scrambled to their feet and followed. They followed the two to the basement and into Landon's cell where Penelope undid the locks and spells. Landon was about to say something, and from the looks of it, something snarky but Quinn barged in. She grabbed Landon by the shoulders and her eyes glowed a blood red:

"So do you wanna do this the easy way?" Penelope asked, "Or the hard way?"

Ha ha I'm a bit slow with chapt3rs aren't I? Well you're in luck...I will post the next chapter, later on tonight :) (tonight for me that is)

(I've been working and I focused some time into a She-Ra Catradora Fanart 😬)

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter and thank you for reading!

Super Squad (Mostly Posie And More)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ