Ch.22 Temptation

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"So...sometime in the future we're going to have to fight Heretics, Undead monsters, and Triad?" Hope summed up, "And this might all be in one day?"

"Yeah basically," Penelope said.

"That's...that's concerning..." Dr.Saltzman said, "I need to protect the school..."

"We'll help with that," a new voice said; Bonnie, and she was with Emma.

"Bonnie and I have discovered and created new boundary spells," Emma explained, "And we can implement new technologies at the gate."

"This is great!" Josie smiling, "Now all we have to prepare...or try to prevent the visions from happening."

"There's no way of preventing the visions. The more you try, the more stones you set," Bonnie explained, "But I want to stay for awhile and help your school. I can help prepare."

"That's great Bonnie, thank you," Dr.Saltzman said, "Caroline went out to get some things but I'm sure she'll be more than excited to see you come back here."

And with that, they all parted ways. Hope and Marcel had catching up to do, Josie and Penelope decided to finish up their date in their room, and Bonnie, Emma, and Dr.Saltzman discussed protecting the school and it's students.

Elsewhere, Raf and Landon were sparring near the lake. Landon has gotten much better and physically fit. He broods more than he usually did before but he's normal around Raf. As the two throw some punches, something strange happens. Landon misses his swing and falls straight into the lake. As soon as he hits the water, everything around him goes dark.

"Landon..." a voice called, "Landon..."

"Who's there? What's going on?" He yelled, his voice echoing into the darkness.

"Landon," the voice was closer now, behind him.

He spun around and was greeted by himself. A mirror version of himself.

"Who are you and why do you look like me?" He asked.

"I am you and you," his look a-like said, "are mine."

"Wh-" the fake Landon lunged at him, knocking him to the ground.

Landon tried fighting back but it was like fighting a rock. The fake grabbed his face, forcing him to stare into it's eyes. When he did, he saw horrifying things. He saw all the dimensions of malivore and all the supernatural creatures, suffering.

Outside of Landon's mind, was Raf. He pulled Landon's body out of the water and was trying to wake him up.

"Landon! Wake up!" He said, panicked. He tried slapping him awake but as soon as he touched his skin, he got burned.

"What the hell?" He muttered. He ran to his bag and called Dr.Saltzman.

Moments later, Dr.Saltzman, Bonnie, and Emma were there. Bonnie and Emma used magic to levitate Landon.

"What if he catches on fire again?" Raf asks them as they walk back to the school.

"Don't worry," Bonnie assured him, "I've got that're going to need to sleep in a different room until he wakes up."

When they reached Landon and Raf's room, they set him on the bed and Bonnie began an incantation. After chanting for 10 minutes, she was done.

"I made everything in the room fire proof and placed an invincibility spell," she explained, "Not even hell fire can burn something incincible. I also made a powerful barrier to keep anything magic based inside the room. So the only person who can come in here after we leave, is Alaric or Dorian."

"That's cool," Raf said, "Im going to go find MG and ask if I can room with him for awhile."

When Raf left, so did the others. As for Landon, he was stuck. He was stuck witnessing and feeling the pain the prisoners in Malivore were feeling. The mixture of mental and physical pain, caused him to burst into flames.

Days passed and Landon was still asleep and on fire. The others would watch in concern at the doorway of the room, they could do nothing. Penelope tried psychically waking up Landon but she exolained that Landon's mind was trapped in a mind dimension that she couldn't get into. It was too strong and ancient for her. Bonnie tried helping Penelope but that attempt failed as well so there really was nothing they could do until he woke up.

In Landon's mind, his brain was fried. His memories were jumbled. The fake was winning.

"You are weak now," the fake said, "But I can make you strong, you can be truly alive if you allow it."

"What...what do you mean?" Landon groaned as the creature finally let go of him. Even though it let go, Landon still felt pain.

"You feel the pain of all my prisoners, as do I," he said.

"" Landon groaned as he thooutlook, loud, "Malivore."

"Yes," Malivore revealed his true golem form.

"If you help me get out of this liquid state...we can end supernaturals," he said.

"Why would I want to do that?" Landon scoffed.

" may think you're like them but you're not," Malivore explained, "They call you friend but treat you like dirt. They look down on you, they only see you as a boy and a burden. So many mistakes, so many chances but a fractured reputation. They could never be your family...but I could be...only if you let me."

Landon was silent, the pain be felt was subsiding and he thought about everything. He lay there. Thinking.

"Do I have to make this decision now?" He asked.

" have a week at most," Malivore said, "Thank you for considering, my son."

Landon's eyes flew open and instead of his flames going out. They continued to burn.

Malivore could help me...

He could be the family I wanted...

"That's right...we can rid these supernatural hypocrites," he heard a different voice say in his head: Clarke, "And we can be a family, all you have to join us."

"We are your blood," Both voices said in unison.

The temptation was great but...he still needed to think about it. So he sat there, until the others saw he was awake.

Haha sorry this took awhile to make even though its short. I was exploring a suggestion made about making Landon become Malivore/join malivore. I explored a little bit but then I ended up rewatching Season 5 of The Originals and Season 1 of Legacies yesterday afternoon. I also had to do my work this morning so...yeah.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, thank you for reading!

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