Ch.12 Some Catching Up To Do

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"Penelope..." Josie said but it was barely audible. Her mouth hung open and her eyes were locked on the figure standing right in front of her...a figure she thought she'd never see again. After a long, tense silence Lizzie rounded the corner to interrupt it.

"Mom!" Lizzie said happily and embraced Caroline. She then pulled a still shocked Josie into the hug, completely oblivious to what was happening.

When Lizzie pulled away, she finally noticed how quiet everyone around her was and who Josie was staring at. She turned around saw Penelope Park.

"Ah, she's back..." Lizzie said, not really disgusted or disappointed...she sounded like she kind of expected it.

"Hello to you too," Penelope said, doing a signature Penelope Park smile.

"Ok girls...these are the people that are going to help us get Landon back!" Caroline said, gesturing to the tall man and the short woman.

"This is Jeremy Gilbert and Bonnie Bennett," Caroline said and the two smiled.

"Caroline said you guys needed help with your immortal Phoenix friend who got stabbed by a golden arrow like in the Prophecy," Jeremy said.

"We will try our best to help your friend," Bonnie reassured the girls, "Your friend's fate is something that no prophecy can determine. And if you don't believe me, I have brought people back from the dead more than once."

"These two have a history of helping find loopholes on anything ancient and spell-related," Caroline said confidently which somewhat reassure the teenagers in front of her.

"Okay guys, it's around dinner time...why don't we all go down the hall and eat?" Dr.Saltzman said clapping Jeremy's shoulder and they all smiled and made their way to the dining hall.

Josie couldn't keep her eyes off Penelope and Lizzie and Hope couldn't help but be incredibly worried about Josie.

"We need to quickly do something, we'll be right behind you," Hope said, pulling aside Lizzie and Josie as the others continued to walk. Penelope lingered a little bit but then continued walking.

"Jo, are you okay?" Lizzie asked and Josie finally stopped looking in the direction Penelope was in and looked to her sister.

"Penelope is here...why?" Josie asked, "And why was she with mom?"

"Maybe she caught Penelope running away from her school in Belgium?" Lizzie shrugged, "Or maybe the headmaster at her school in Belgium pleaded with mom to take her back."

"She went to Belgium to help your mom with finding a way to save both of you from the merge," Hope said and the twins looked at Hope wide-eyed.

"What?" They both said in unison.

"You knew this whole time?" Lizzie exclaimed.

"How come you didn't tell us?" Josie whisper screamed.

"Because one, she made me promise not to tell and two she wasn't sure if she would even come back," Hope said, "For all they knew, they would've found something after we graduated from here or wouldn't have found anything at all."

"So she went to Belgium to help how she broke up with me to make me stronger..."Josie muttered to herself.

"Gosh, maybe she isn't Satan after all..." Lizzie sighed and looked at Hope while shrugging.

When the girls entered the dining hall they saw MG, Raf and Kaleb sitting down at a table with Penelope. The girls walked over and as they got closer they could hear the boisterous laughter after Penelope said a witty joke about Kaleb and Jed's little love rivalry.

"Hey, guys," Hope said, sitting down next to Raf, Lizzie following her...leaving Josie next to Penelope.

When Josie sat down everyone got quiet and there was a suddenly tense atmosphere. Everyone knew what Josie was like after Penelope left, how hard she tried to move on and do something with herself. And MG being MG, he decided to hide his curiosity in a facade of obliviousness and happiness.

"So Penelope, why're you back?" MG asked, "I mean like, it's awesome that you're back, but you didn't tell anyone."

"Well, I guess I could be honest now that my goal is complete..." she said putting down her sandwich, "I went to Belgium to help Lizzie and Josie's mom with finding a loophole for the merge."

"Woah really?" Raf asked, "So since you're back that means you found one that could work."

"We actually have two just in case," Penelope said winking as she held up two fingers and the others stared at her in awe.

"So what are they?" Lizzie asked nervously.

"The first one, the main one to be precise, is a spell," Penelope said waving a chip in the air as she spoke, "The second is also a spell but it's one we created."

"Wow, you even created a spell..." Kaleb said, very impressed.

When Penelope stole a glance at Josie, Josie was looking at her in awe. She didn't say anything, but it was like she was processing everything in her head. As time passed and everyone was all caught up, they finally decided to hit the hay.

"Hey Penelope, you can sleep in my dorm if you want," Hope offered.

"It's alright, Caroline said my dorm is still vacant so I can inhabit my old room," Penelope said smiling as Hope turned around muttering about how weird it was to hear Penelope just call her ex's mom by her first name.

Penelope made her way down the hall to her room and when she opened the door, she was surprised to find clothes on the bed.

These are some of the clothes you left here when you left. It'll be enough until your stuff arrives from Belgium.


Penelope smiled, "Some, huh? Does that mean she has the other 'some'?"

It was good to be back.

This is a relatively short chapter, yes, but things will just keep getting more and more interesting (I hope you feel the same way hehe...)

I will not just be throwing Posie back in on a silver platter. They will become a thing at a realistic pace! So's satisfying.

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