Ch.20 If Only They Were Sweet Like Belgian Chocolate

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It has been a few days since Landon's incident and the new transfer students for next school year have come to visit. Penelope had told everyone all abiut what the school in Belgium was like so for once, everyone tried to appear rich...or at the very least try harder than usual.  Kind of like saying 'Hey, we're just as rich and awful like you.' Today was also the day the twins moved out of their rooms. Of course they loved each other and would forever be close but that was what they wanted. It made Penelope especially giddy because 1.) Josie and Lizzie really have been living separate lives now and 2.) Her girlfriend was moving into the same room as her.   It seemed like all was well until the morning of the Belgian kids' arrival. Penelope and Landon, who had been fine the day before, both suddenly got migraines. Luckily, the twins weren't doing this tour so Josie's attention could be steered to her physically aching girlfriend. Raf aided Landon and MG went back and forth between the two to uodate each other on the conditions of the other. What they didn't know was the mental strain being put on the two. The searing pain was so much that they couldn't even speak. For Landon, his migraine was mainly physical, lots of head pain and some visions of the past. For Penelope, it was mainly visions, and two-thirds of the pain Landon was feeling. They had to die down Landon so that he wouldn't go berserk and everytime he caught on fire, Raf put it out with a fire extinguisher; if it were hellfire, Quinn siohoned it. Josie thought she could ail Penelope by using a vampire mind trick to see what Penelope was seeing but that was a mistake. When she saw just a few moments of what Penelope saw, she couldn't take it.

"Oh my God, Penny," Josie said, switching from the cold compress to the warm. Penelope reacted to the compress temperatures randomly. One minute she'd need the cold one, next minute she needs the warm one. Her physical body couldn't decide which one was better.

While that was going on for the two supernaturals, Lizzie and Hope were helping Dr.Saltzman and Caroline give the tour to the five belgian students. Two of them were boys and three were girls. The boys were serious and silent, they spoke English but had somewhat thick accents from speaking Dutch and French. The girls however, bad clearer English accents and were full of questions.

"This school used to be a Vampire resident, yes?" The main girl, Louise, asked. Louise was short with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a sharp jawline. She gave off an aristocrat-like vibe.

"Yes it used to be," Dr.Saltzman explained, "Our friend, Damon Salvatore, lent it to us before he moved with his wife."

"So I assume it's well protected despite the sudden spike in events at this school?" She asked.

"Of course," Caroline answered, "We do everything in our power to make sure our students are safe. Lately other supernaturals have been trying to get in but we have safety precautions and experienced students here as well."

"Is it true that Hope Mikaelson, daughter of Klaus Mikaelson, goes to this school?" The girl next to Louise asked.

"Yes, I'm Hope Mikaelson," Hope said, "I'm sorry I didn't greet you with my full name but sometimes saying my name to already knowledgeable people makes them uncomfortable or freak out."

"Oh," the girl said, genuinely surprised as if she wasn't expecting Hope to be so...well, normal. The other girl and one of the boys looked at Hope strangely; siblings with shared reactions.

After an hour of being bombarded with questions and touring the facility, the tour was finally over. They all went to the dining hall to treat the Belgian students to lunch until everyone was hit with a psychic wave, sent out by none other than a suffering Penelope.

"Augh, what was that?" Louise asked, alarmed.

"I of our students has recently discovered her affinity as a psychic...if you will excuse me," Dr.Saltzman explained before he and Hope ran of to Penelope's room. Caroline and Lizzie stayed with the Belgian kids as they ate lunch.

"Josie, what is happening?" Dr.Saltzman immediately said as he barged into the room with Hope.

"I-I don't know! I'm not mentally strong enough to do a hide dive to see more than a glimpse of Penny is seeing," Josie explained, "And when I tried again, something crazy happened and I got forced out of her head when that psychic wave was released."

"We need Caroline and Bonnie..." Dr.Saltzman said urgently. In a few moments Caroline was there but they had to wait for Bonnie.

After Caroline left the Belgian kids with Lizzie, Lizzie caught MG and Raf, making them have lunch with her and the foreign students. Which the Belgian kids took as an oppurtunity, mostly Louise, to interrogate each one of them on their lives.

"So you're a siphoner witch from the Gemini Coven and your parents run this school?" Louise summed up while looking at Lizzie, and Lizzie nodded trying to look tall and proud.

"And you are a newbie Vampire...who doesn't like to drink human at all?" One of the girls asked, the one who was sibkings with the boy...apparently her name is Olivia and the boy's name is Joshua.

"I, uh yeah, it's not that I don't like human blood...well I mean like I don't like to drink it because ya know-- it's human," MG said, attempting to explain himself without just saying, 'I might be a Ripper like the Vampire our library is named after. So human blood is a no-no.'

"And you're the werewolf that became an Alpha in the first year you came here?" The third girl asked, her name was Juliette and she looked very much infatuated with Raf's looks.

"Your school looks okay...but..." Louise started before listing the major differences between the school in Belgium. Without any mercy whatsoever, she just kept going and going. Lizzie was slowly and gradually becoming pissed. Raf and MG's concern for Lizzie's growing irritation was quite noticable so the other boy, Liam, made Louise stop talking.

And with that, Lunch was over and the kids were hopping back on to their bus to the airport. They bid their farewells and gave them what they called, 'true Belgian chocolate.' Apparently this trip was also an oppurtunity for them to tour America's east coast and beaches. On their way out, the students didn't notice, but they were being followed.

As for what was going on with Penelope, Bonnie arrived and used her own psychic powers to calm down Penelope. She explained that since Penelope wasn't a natural psychic before, she went through that ordeal because that was nature's way of training her mind. Penelope was magically sedated so that she could peacefully be mentally prepared and not release out psychic waves. As for Landon's problem, it was simple: his powers need controlling. Landon had unlocked his inner Phoenix when he accidentally burned down half of the currently-in-repair gym. Landon has gone through simulations to try and attempt to control it but he was still very much new at this.

"So how do we help Landon?" Dr.Saltzman asked, "We don't know any other Phoenix that has gone through what he's going through."

"Well, you just have to show you support him, Ric," Bonnie said smiling, "He's just a boy and he discovered what he was and he's exploring it. That doesn't come without consequences but all in all, he's still a teenage boy. It would certainly help if he hadn't pushed away his friends and suppressed his feelings though. His feelings are pooling out as fire or incredible mental pain."

"Hope recently broke up with him," Dr.Saltzman whispered and she nodded, indicating that's probably also a significant sign of why Landon was like that.

Today was a rough day for everyone, but when Penelope woke up, slightly dazed but no longer having visions; they went to her room for dinner. Josie and Penelope eating on their bed, Lizzie, Hope, MG, Raf, and Kaleb sitting around them. Landon was still sedated. They talked about their day and talked all about the Belgian kids.

"Those Belgian kids..." MG said, "If only they were sweet like Belgian chocolate."

Hey-o since y'all are like, "Update fast" here I am doing that to the best of my ability!

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Thank you for reading!

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