Chapter 19: ice cream cone on a sweltering day

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**Y'all asked for it: schmutz warning!**

The guilt of my trysts with Adriano and Stone is shockingly hard to bear. With Jake, I was callous towards his feelings. But Eddie, the way his eyes held his pain pierced right through me, like moonlight through a thin linen curtain. I am determined to stay on a straight path here. And I am determined to not leave my phone unattended with Eddie again.

Eddie's head is bent over his journal, writing and scratching with fervor as he does every night. Since his apartment admission, Eddie stays with me several nights of the week. The others he's either working or he claims he stays at Stone's. I think he just wants to be alone, and secretly sleeps in his car. After those nights, he looks particularly disheveled and fatigued the next day.

This poses a problem. Jess and Matt have not met Eddie, did not know I was seeing anyone, and the moment they find out it will get back to Jake. I sneak Eddie in most nights, but I could see his brain over-interpreting my actions and the knot in his brow grows with each tiptoe he has to do down my hall.

Finally, I caved and introduced him to Jess and Matt one Friday night. I made it quick, right before Eddie had a show so we couldn't linger, so Matt didn't have a chance to say anything stupid and Jess didn't have a chance to throw judgmental shade. They both seemed surprised, given the dramatic physical polarity between Eddie and Jake. I've avoided them since, not wanting to endure their kamikaze bombardment of questions.


Eddie is still scribbling, but I want attention. I went on a run, ate, showered, changed, and started laundry, all while Eddie kept his nose in his magical book of spells. I fear what lies in the depths of this book...

I drape my legs languidly across his and stretch, squirming my hips just so... I knew it would work. He glances up, peering through a cascade of brown curls, and shoots me a close-lipped smile before resuming his spell casting. Ugh. I squirm some more but he doesn't look up.

"So I was thinking of inviting Chris and Susan over Saturday night." Eddie doesn't seem to hear me.

"Matt and Jess will be here and we can play Duck, Duck, Goose, and drink lemonade and arm wrestle." Eddie keeps writing.

"And then I'll probably do a strip tease for everyone with my collapsible stripper pole so I can show off my new boob job." Eddie keeps writing, but his lips twitch slightly.

"After, I'll bring out the cocaine and make you do a line off my ass crack..." Finally. Eddie puts down his pen.

"You win. You have my attention." I smirk and wrap my arms around Eddie's neck. I'm feeling frisky.

"I already said everything."

"So we have plans for Saturday?"

"We have plans for Saturday."

I finally have his attention. My breathing is shallow and my wrists are tingling. Eddie seems to sense my change in demeanor, and watches me carefully. I move his journal to my side table, and slowly straddle his lap. I'm in my short pajama shorts and one of Eddie's t-shirts, my hair wild and slightly damp. I sit on his lap for a while, and feel Eddie's breathing change, his heartbeat change. It doesn't take much to get him focused on me...

I'm in a mood. I can't pinpoint the origin, but I've molted into an oozing sex goddess whose only purpose in this world is to satisfy Eddie. I take his hands and rub them up my thighs, up under my shorts so he feels that I have no underwear on, up to my sweet spot so he can feel how wet I am. I release his hands, allowing him to rub and paw freely. I seductively run my hands up his forearms, over his biceps, along the collar of his shirt, all while examining his perfect proportions. I feel his gaze on me, but I ignore him. Instead, I pull his shirt off, studying his smooth, taut skin underneath.

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