Chapter 16: Rock bottom

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"Jesus Christ, someone better be dead—," Stone mumbles angrily as he whips open the door, only to stop short when he sees me.

"Hi," I say cheerfully. I don't feel cheerful.

"Hello Jordan... To what do I owe this midnight pleasure?" He looks curious, but also wary, like this is some sort of prank or hallucination.

"Um, well this is embarrassing. But I need a place to sleep tonight." Stone's eyebrows furrow ever so slightly, but he regains his normal passiveness quickly.

"I see. And Eddie...?"

"I would prefer to not see Eddie again tonight, and I thought this is the last place he'd look."

"I see." Apparently that's all Stone could say. "I'm not sure Eddie will appreciate me harboring a fugitive..."

"Well I'm here because of Eddie's moronic and careless qualities."

Stone had no retort, but finally steps aside and lets me pass. The goddamn dogs nearly attack me once I'm inside. Stone holds them back by the leash as I take my shoes off.

"Thank you, seriously. I..." I what? I'm an idiot? I shouldn't have freaked out on Eddie? I should be lying by his side tonight? I should let him get away with his apartment lies? I'm suddenly riddled with guilt.

"It's fine. Take my bed, I'll take the couch."

"No, no, I'll take the couch. Besides, I'll get Stone germs if I touch the bed."

"Good idea. I was going to make you wear a hazmat suit anyways."

I walk into the living room while Stone hunts for blankets. The dogs have settled around me, finally accepting my presence.


"Yes?" He answers from across the house.

"Um... can I borrow something to sleep in?"

No answer. Stone finally appears with neat stack of blankets, a pillow, a pair of basketball shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

"Thank you," I say quietly. I kiss his cheek and I see a hint of redness across his passive face. Stone heads into his bedroom. I change and get comfortable on the couch.

Only I can't sleep. The goddamn dogs snore. Who knew dogs could snore? They are like two giant trolls with narcolepsy. I toss and turn for about an hour. Finally, exasperated and desperate, I pull the cushions from the couch and drag them to Stone's bedroom door. It's quiet. At least one goddamn occupant of the house is a silence sleeper. I knock. No answer. I knock harder and louder. Finally, a faint "What the fuck could you want Jordan" floats from inside. I crack the door and try to make out Stone's silhouette in the darkness.

"I can't sleep. Both of your goddamn dogs snore."

"I know."

"You couldn't warn me?"

"This isn't a goddamn bed and breakfast." 


"Can I sleep on your floor?"

"There's no room."

"How about under the bed?"

"No room."

"The closet?"

"No goddamn room."

"Okay... I'll be on the roof then." I did once wish to sleep up there... I dramatically walk to the sliding door and open it with force to make sure Stone hears my turmoil. Finally, I hear my victory.

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