Chapter 36: Shady's back

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Author's note: GANG! If there are any of you left reading, yo girl is back. I was delayed because, A) life, B) pandemic, C) hot new boyfriend, and mostly D) I have lots of this story written on my 2011 Mac Book Pro. My sweet baby angel laptop decided not to turn on anymore, and so here I am, stuck with the decision to re-write the story as it was, or to take it in a different direction. I haven't yet decided. Here are the last bits I could save: Xoxo


If someone told me an hour ago that I would be showering at an apartment purchased for me by Eddie, with Eddie by my side, I would've told them to audition for SNL because they have a goddamn bright future in comedy. But somehow, as Eddie leads me down the stairs back into his – my? – apartment, I was easily convinced that I need a shower. And I was easily convinced that Eddie needs a shower, and it would be more productive to combine the two.

Alas, here I am, self-consciously worrying about how badly my makeup is smudging as I run a bar of soap across my stomach, and Eddie suds his hair with shampoo. Eddie could be in the next Pantene commercial. I hope he gets out of the shower by the time I have to wash my hair. I do not belong in a Pantene commercial. 


Eddie motions for the bar of soap as he turns me around. He runs the bar across my back, over my bum and down my legs, suds-ing with his hands as he goes down. Surprisingly, he does this without generating any sexual tension. How? Are we maturing? It is such a comforting and soothing gesture that I turn back around and kiss him. His body is so warm as the hot water runs down his chest and onto mine.

Something starts pressing into my stomach. I don't have to look to know what it is... so much for avoiding sexual tension. Eddie breaks the kiss and smiles sheepishly.

"Sorry," he says quietly, before getting out of the shower and wrapping his hair in a towel and throwing one around his hips. He feels guilty, and now I feel guilty for his guilt. What's his is mine...

I finish showering, and get out to observe the makeup damage. I do have raccoon eyes, but a couple swipes around my eyes fix a lot of the problem. Slowly, a ball of anxiety forms in my stomach. I've never stayed anywhere with Eddie that wasn't my apartment. My apartment, where I have all my makeup and my hair tools and clothes and toothbrush...

Fuck. My hair is going to be a nightmare when it dries. Eddie has never seen me fully without makeup. And I have no clothes to wear. And I just showered with him. Felt his, er, excitement pressing into my stomach. I think I nearly pulled it out on the roof-deck. What the fuck was I thinking? What the fuck am I thinking?

I wrap a towel around me, weighing my options. Do not sleep with him, Jordan. Make him work for it. Yes, make him work for it. Although, that's difficult to do if I'm naked. But I can't put my running clothes back on...


"Hmm?" I hear him reply from next door. I enter the bedroom.

"Er, I have nothing to wear." Eddie grins crookedly.

"That doesn't seem like a problem." I narrow my eyes at him. He smiles again before throwing me a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt from his suitcase. I put them on quickly, aware that Eddie is watching out of the corner of his eye, and aware that I am bra-less and underwear-less. I leave the room, continuing to weigh my options.

Staring in the mirror, I try to tame my hair as best as I can, which is nearly hopeless. My curls start springing up immediately, joined by frizz and overwhelming volume. Maybe Eddie will call me a cab and I can avoid the public in this state. In this commando state.

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