Thrown At The Streets

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'Well Jack...You definitely gave joy to my boy here.'
Said Mr Rostwood after they had all finished their food.

'That is his way of saying "thank you".'
Said Jay under his breath leaning towards Jack.

Jack replied with a kind smile and a squeez of the boy's shoulder. They sat again in the living room, talked a bit and finally the most natural thing followed.

'I am sure she will be delighted to see you!'
Said Jack while all of them were hastily packing there things.

Jay couldn't realise that he was actually going to meet a member of his precious family.

'Don't forget your coat.'
Remainded him Mr Rostwood and after preparing everything they were off again, seaking Jay's forgotten sister.

When they got outside the house and started marching down the road, a sudden remainder hit Jack.
'Oh my... I almost forgot! I had done all this way to deliver the packet. The old fool would kill me if I had arrived with it on my hands!'

'Would he really? Seems like something I would do too.'
Marked Mr Rostwood, marching with his cane and smoking his pipe casualy.

'Just wait a minute. I won't be late.'

He left them waiting in the middle of the street for nearly an hour, something that made Mr Rostwood even more irritated with him.

When Jack finally arrived Mr Rostwood made a huge effort not to hit him with his cane.

'My boat is over there.'
Said Jack pointing at the harbour.

'Your what?'
Spatted Mr Rostwood.
'Do you think we are going to travel with this thing?'
He said, when they reached the harbour, looking at the tiny, little boat.

Jack thought about it.
'When I started, you know, I wasn't expecting to arrive with two others with me.'
He tried to defend himself.

'Forget it. We are going with the train.'
Said Mr Rostwood curtly.

'But, I haven't got enough money for it.'
Jack complained.

'Leave that to me.'

'And what about my boat?'

'I will get you another one.'
Mr Rostwood could do anything, if it was for Jack to stop nugging about everything.

After a while, they were on board and the train had started it's long and beautifull journey.

Jack was talking with much excitment about his previous travelling experinces and his love for sailling. Jay found all these very interesting and was kin to learn more. Mr Rostwood was complaining that Jack was talking too much and that he wanted to have a peacefull journey.

Somewhat like that the journey continued, until they finally arrived at their destination.

'Ok first things first.'
Said Jack.
'As I said before, I don't know if she has been accepted to the new job. The only way to find out is just go to the new boss and ask him, I guess.'

He led them outside of the house and gazed at the door.

'You are the one who knows him. It's best for us to wait here.'
Said Mr Rostwood and looked at Jay. The child was so excited, in the thought that his only living relative may be just right behind that door, that Mr Rostwood couldn't surpress a smile. He lowered himself to the boy's level and took his trembling hands into his.
'Just wait a little bit, my boy. Just to be sure that she is in there.'

Jack also smiled watching them. The man was really caring for the boy. He went closer to the door and knocked with ease. A woman opened the door. She was young and beautifull and she had a cute face. She smiled politely and asked him what he wanted.

'Can I talk to the gentleman of this house?'

'Of course! And what aboug you, sir?'
She said looking at Mr Rostwood.

'We will wait for Jack here.'
Said he, without caring if he sounded rude or not.

And so it happened. An anxious silent fell between Jay and Mr Rostwood. They waited like that for a few minutes when the door finally opened again, revealing an angry looking Jack. He bursted out of the house and headed with a fast pace towards the main road.

The two of them run behind him, trying to understand what had happened.

'She wasn't good enough for him. Old Jones was fast enough to recommend he avoids her.'
Shouted Jack desperatly, kicking a peddle infront of him.
'She can be anywhere now, homeless and helpless.
He shouted even harder. His easy-going manner was lost, tears were coming down his face and he was trembling from anger.

Mr Rostwood put an arm on Jack's shoulder.
'We will find her, Jack.'

They were seaking for her for hours. They asked everyone they met for help, but nobody had seen her. It was now dark and the people were fewer. Jack was devastated. He couldn't bare to think what had happened to her. Jay suddently stoped walking. He was looking down sadly.

'Are you alright Jay?'
Asked Mr Rostwood concerned.

Jay continued looking down.
'It was just a crazy dream. I will never meet her.'

Mr Rostwood huged him compassionetly.
'No that's not true. Besides, dreams do come true, my boy.'
And with that they continued their way.

They were marching down a deserted road silently. Something was going wrong. At the edge of the pavement, a little farther from them, a crouched down figure could be seen.

Understandment hit the three of them. Nobody run towards her. They just continued walking slowly to her derection, embracing them selves for the encounter.

A sobbing woman, filthy and poor, with a small trunk nexto her was sitting at some rugs, with her face barried in her hands.

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