A Forgotten Past

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Few minutes later, they started to slow down, until they stopped completely. They, finally, got off the train and looked around. The land here, was flat and full of crops. It was a peaceful place and the only thing to be heard of, was the other passengers' mumbling. They were standing in the middle of a long road, which would lead them to the center of the city.

Jay and Mr Rostwood felt a little uncomfortable, being at a totally unknown place to them and seeing all kind of strangers passing by. They started walking down the road hesistantly, trying to familiarize themselves with the new environment. Mr Rostwood was getting more and more uncertain of what they were doing. What would they even do here? Did they just come to buy a drink and leave? Maybe he shouldn't have agreed to come in this place. He looked down at Jay and saw that he was also skeptical.

'What's up, my boy?'
He asked with his rough voice.

Jay didn't answer.

'There is a pub there I see.'
Said Mr Rostwood indicating a small and cosy place at the end of the road.
'Want us to go there?'

And so they did. From the outside, it was like a small house and you could hear the laughs and talks from the patrons inside. They opened the door and got in. A couple of companies were seated here and there, smoking and drinking, laughing and teasing one another. Nobody seemed to take notice of them. They walked to a table in the corner and sat down. Mr Rostwood, who never enjoyed noise and people around him, had a sour look upon his face.

They made their order and waited in silence, the good vibes continuing around them. Finally, the waiter came to bring their drinks.

'Newcomers here?'
He asked cheerfully.

Said Mr Rostwood irritated.
Couldn't he just leave and let us alone?, he thought.

'Oh. I am Nicolas Walson.'
He said happily and gave his hand to Mr Rostwood, who shook it and said his name stiffly.

Jay also gave his hand politely.
'Jayson Grey.'
He introduced himself.

Nicolas seemed surprised.
'Grey you said? Any relevance to John and Mary Grey?'
He asked.

Jay opened his eyes widly. Did he actually know his parents?

'Y...Yes. I am their son.'

'Oh for Goodness sake, so many rumours have been heared. Everyone wondered what happened to you. I am sorry for what happened, anyway.'
He said lowering his gaze uncomfortably.
'Nice to meet you, gentlemen.'
He finally said and made to leave.

Jay stopped him.

Mr Rostwood sighed. He still believed that it wouldn't do any good to the boy to talk about his dead parents.

'Maybe you know where exactly they used to leave?'
Asked Jay hopefully.

Mr Rostwood had had enough.
'I think it's high time we left now.'
He said angrily standing up.

'No, I want to know!'
Shouted Jay.

Nicolas looked at both of them. He finally told them. They sat a bit longer just to finish their drinks and left.

'I believe you want to pay a visit to the house as well?'
Asked Mr Rostwood, being calmer than before.

Obviously he couldn't prevent the boy. They followed Nicolas' directions, they asked the locals for help, they got lost and they got found and at last they made it. Nicolas had said that it's the only house at the top of a small hill, with trees surrounding it and a small river nearby. They came closer and they stood exactly outside of an once happy place, full of laughter and carelessness.

However, the house, now, had nothing of its past glory. Nothing of its affection and merriness. It, now, stood cold and , deserted, victim of the weather's cruelty and time's delinquency, harshly hit by all sorts of vandalism. It was still expressive, as it used to be. Two broken windows in the middle, betrayed it's  sorrowful gaze, a shaky door underneath, it's tired smile. Despite standing there still and beaten, it had so many stories to tell, so many thoughts and feelings to express.

In this sad, black scenery in front of them, that gave you the feel that nothing hopeful could ever appear, there still was something standing up, indicating that the house would never surrender itself to its fate, never forget its former owners.
There, in the middle of the damaged roof, stood proudly a big chimney, reminding everyone that a familly used once to live there, in the simplest of ways, warming themselves beside the fire and warming the fire with their kind heart. It seemed as it had never accepted to be damaged and, with a powerful persistance, had managed to remain clean and unscratched.

Even Mr Rostwood was emotionally affected. Jay was looking at the house with tears on his eyes.

It was automatical. Mr Rostwood bent down and took compassionately the small boy in his warm hug. They remained there, seated on the grass, the house's cold shadow looming above them. They didn't know how much time they had spent in this position when Jay finally spoke.
'Can I go in? Just for a minute I promise.'

Mr Rostwood knew that they had come here for this reason. He knew, also, that Jay would be even more heartbroken if he didn't do the thing he came for.

'Do you mean on your own? No young man, I am coming with you.'

And so it happened. The door subsided easily creaking loudly. The inside wasn't as bad as the outside. There were scattered pieces of the broken windows on the floor, moistness at the walls and ceiling and visible signs of dirt and dust everywhere. Despite all these, however, it was clear that nobody had come in here for a long time, so no further damage had occured.

It was a comfortable place with many short carpets covering the floor here and there. A wooden table, a small kitchen, with a feeding bottle on it, a cosy armchair in front of a fireplace, a tidy bookshelf, where knowledge had been waiting patiently for years and years to be discovered, a sofa and a double bed. They walked deeper through the house, the floor creaking under their weight. The second room was the bathroom and the third a bedroom. It was plain as the rest of the house with a warm bed and a wardrobe next to it.

Jay walked closer. This was supposed to be his room, for when he grew up a little more. A baby carriage was, also, located there, deserted.

And then he saw it, something that made his eyes open wide and his heart beat faster than ever.

Wait and see ;)
As always, thanks for reading!

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