I Have A Dream

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Mr Rostwood maintained eye contact until the child turned back to look at the lake again.

Silence fell. He didn't know how much time they had spent sitting there saying nothing. He finally asked;
'Why did you try to steal that food yesterday?'
Even though he could guess the answer now.

'Do you want to critisize me again?'
Jayson returned angrily.

Mr Rostwood's soft expression hardened again. He raised an eyebrow and looked strictly at the young boy.
'Mind your language, Mr Grey' he threatened.

'I was just hungry.'

'Don't you eat here?'

'I do. But I still was.'

Silence fell again.
'You have better go and eat some lunch then. Unless you want to find yourself in another uncomfortable situation, as yesterday.' Said Mr Rostwood, sounding harsher than he intended to, while carefully lifting himself up.

It was at the time that Jayson realised the man's strange way of moving. He had, also, previously noticed that he couldn't walk very well. Somehow, he found it amusing to see a dynamic person like him, acting this way.

His face must have betrayed it, because Mr Rostwood looked at him angrily.

'See anything funny, do you?'

The boy's smile dissolved and he looked down.
'No sir.'

'That's what I thought.'
He said.
'Do you plan to lead me back to where I came from, or leave me standing here?'
He said amused.

'Absolutely no. I am not letting you standing here. I told you that's where I come when I need to be on my own. How will I find peace with you there, nagging all the time?'
Jayson said trying unsuccessfuly to sound serious.

Mr Rostwood laughed with his heart.
'That little brat has some big nerves.'
He thought, putting his free hand on his pocket.
'Just walk me back young man, and mind that attitude of yours.'
He answered.

Jay got surprised seeing him laugh.
'What the hell with that guy?'
He thought.
They walked back and after a few moments they were out of the building.

Jayson looked up at him sadly.
'Will I see you again?'
He asked hopefully.

'I thought you didn't want to get disturbed again by my nagging.'
Mr Rostwood raised an eyebrow.

'Well, I can bear it.'
But, after thinking of it again, said;
'Unless it gets too much.'

'Have a nice day Jay.'
Mr Rostwood said, not answering the boy's question. He gave him a smile and turned back to disappear behind the door, leaving the boy a bit dissapointed.


Every light was now turned off. The third floor corridor was deserted. Nothing could be heard except the deep children's breaths while peacefully sleeping.

Jay couldn't sleep, though. He was sittting right next to a window gazing outside, the moonlight covering his face. He could feel the sound of the lake's water and the smell of grass under the trees. He could see with his imagination's eyes his own little paradise. His only comfort in this place.

He turned to see the other children sleeping. He focused hard on their closed eyelashes, like trying to see what they were seeing right now. What they were dreaming of. What sort of peaceful paradise they had.

Every child around him, right now was living their own big adventure. Justin always wanted to travel in a far and distant land, to discover civilisations, to unravel the world's greatest mysteries. He could, right now, be sailing with a rusty boat, to the other end of the world.

Tom always wanted to achieve big things. He said that he could remember his parents telling him that. He might be winning a gold medal right now or be working as a doctor like his father used to.

Richard, oh Richard...He was always talking about crazy things and nobody really took him seriously nor understood what he was saying. He was constantly talking about a small village next to the sea ,which would have it's own rules. He kept telling them that this village couldn't be ruled by anyone and everyone would live happily growing their own vegetables and eating the fish they would catch by themselves.
It was funny how he believed that in this village everyone would have equal possibilities and rights and would also live an equally decent life. Personal profit would never get in the way of people's relationships. Peoples' value, said he, would not be measured by their money, but by their willingness to help others. They would rather find happiness by running down the valleys, swimming at the water and reading under the hot sun. Who knows, maybe this would be realistic enough to appear in his dream. Maybe he now was leading a big Revolution and fighting against unfairness.
'Maybe he was now coming here to burst into this hated place and save us all.'
He thought.

Sofie was a very intelligent girl. However, she didn't really like to pay attention in classes. Jay had caught her numerous times drawing on the books and imagining what colours would fit the drawings. No matter how black and white her drawings were, she was always telling them about the various colours that were dancing right before her eyes. Yellow like the sun, she said, red like the roses, green like the freshly mowed grass, blue like the beautiful sky above them. Now she was probably being a famous artist and giving interviews about how much she liked her job.

Jay gazed at the night sky above him. What about him? What was he dreaming of? He thought about that strange man he had talked with. He hadn't thought about that at the time, but now he realised how good he had felt. How good it was to have a someone around you who could hear you and smile at you.

So for him? Having a family was what he dreamed of.

Thanks for reading. Comment your opinion if you want! Keep it strong ;)

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