The Old Photo

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'Is everything good Jay?'
Mr Rostwood's deep voice came from behind. The man walked in the room where Jay was standing and approached him. Jay's eyes were fixed upon a faded photograph at a small table next to the bed.

It was taken at a beach beside the sea. His dad, a tall and thin young man was smiling, his wife next to him, a beautiful woman with a powerful glare. A cute baby infront of them, gazing curiously around him, holded by a small girl, kneeled on the sand. Jay could tell that her facial characteristics were very similar to his mother's.

'Who is she?'
He wondered loudly.

'Maybe a friend?'
Suggested Mr Rostwood.

'But, then where are her parents?'
Questioned the small boy, his eyes fixed at the picture.

Mr Rostwood took the photo on his hands confused. He turned it around and to his surprise, he realised that a note was writen on it.

Summer 1863 with our lovely children- York

'Seems like there is more to this story...'
Mr Rostwood mumbled with his pipe between his teeth. From the day he met the boy, his life became full of surprises, but this, he hadn't expected. He had never thought that Jay could have a sister. Now a whole set of questions were going through his mind. Where was she? Why wasn't she sent to the orphanage with her brother? What happened to her?

Jay was silent. He put a compassionate hand to his shoulder and and gave him the photo. Jay took it and quickly hid it in his pocket, as if it was gold and they headed outside. The dark clouds above them had started pouring their first drops of rain, but the two of them had more important things to worry about.

The rain, however, got heavier and they couldn't ignore it anymore. It was foggy and it was impossible for them to find their way back to the train platform. They wandered around randomly, the rain growing heavier and heavier. They soon got tired and finally decided to wait for the rain to stop at a house's yard, under a small roof. They sat at a pavement and waited with patience, but the storm wouldn't stop until it got all dark. Mr Rostwood started smoking, the pipe's fire lighting his face.

'Nice day huh?'
He said sourly.
'We are lost in the dark, all wet, under a stranger's roof. What more to ask.'

But Jay was not in the mood for jokes. He was silent all the way and now he seemed more depressed. Suddenly, a window opened above them, revealing a shocked man.
'Good morning!'
He said with a lost expression, somewhat amused, somewhat frightened.

The two of them looked up at the man.
'Oh what a nice morning it is, just look at it.'
Returned Mr Rostwood angrily looking at the darkness around him.

The man from above seemed confused. There was a pause, in which the two sides were looking at each other awkardly.
'Excuse me gentlemen. You see I just woke up and I thought it was morning. Do you want to come in?'
The man finally said.

'No I don't think so. We were just leaving.'
Said Mr Rostwood standing up and still hoping that they could make it back to the platform.

'Oh look at you! You are all wet!'
Said the man compassionately.

'Oh I wonder why!'
Spatted Mr Rostwood.

Now, another window opened, from the other side of the house this time.
A plump woman looked down at them.
'Oh goodmorning strangers!'
She yelled, as if this was the only way they could hear her.
Jay couldn't hide a laugh. These people really made his day.

Mr Rostwood was desperate. His only hope was that the woman could tell him where he was, but obviously that wasn't the case.
'Alright that's enough.'
He said and motioned for Jay to follow him with a swift flick of his wrist.

'Be carefull with that stick of yours! You might slip and fall down!'
Shouted the man above him.

'Be greatful it hasn't landed at your face yet!'
Answered Mr Rostwood angrily, leaving behind him two confused house owners and a laughing hard Jay.

Just to lift your mood a bit!
Maybe you need it in these mad times we live in. Rest in peace George Floyd and strength to all who fight for his justice 🙏

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