A Soldier's Tale

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Jay was in a classroom, attending a long and tiring lecture. He was lying his head onto the desk infront of him, his hands under his chin. The teacher's voice nearly hypnotised him. He was seeing all sorts of things with his imagination eyes. Whenever he was in a lesson, everything unrelated to the school's subject, was popping into his mind. Maybe he was having the most creative hours of his life in times like these. Plants and trees, oceans, kingdoms, dragons and elves, valleys and villages, knights and horses were flying in his mind. He sometimes liked to make stories in his head when he was sitting at these desks. He reluctantly looked outside.

It was at that moment, that his mood lifted. Right there, a few meters away a man was standing, still like a statue, with his hands resting on his cane-looking at his direction. Jay raised slightly his head and smiled. He could discern a smile in the man's face too. It was kind of interesting how this dark silhouette of his, fitted in the green scenery behind him.
'What did he say his name was, anyway.'
Jay wondered.

Few moments later, the bell rang and Jay headed straight outside. He was a bit surprised that the man had the patience to stand there doing nothing for so long. Maybe he had to be careful not to aggravate him. He finally reached him.
He happily greeted him.

'Seems you really did enjoy yourself over there, young man.'
Said Mr Rostwood pointing with his head towards the classroom.

Jay laughed loudly.
'You can't imagine how much.'
He said.

'In for a walk?'
Asked the man.

Jay thought about it. He should take permission to live the grounds. On the other hand, he was absolutely sure that nobody would notice, let alone care.
He answered.

And so they did. Jay felt nice to have company. It wasn't something he was used to. He surely did like some of the children there and had some nice friends too, but he usually prefered to stay alone.

'So, are we friends?'
Jay asked childly.

Said the man emotionlessly.

They passed a trolley full of different flavoured ice creams. Jay got excited seeing them and wished he could have one. Mr Rostwood caught that.
'What flavour do you like?'
He asked looking down at the boy.

They were seated on some rocks, the seawaves shooting them pleasantly with their drops. Their gaze was lost in the horizon ahead of them. They enjoyed each other's company more than they could tell. Jay was slowly eating his icecream.

'Does it hurt?'
Asked the boy pointing at the man's leg.

Mr Rostwood looked at him.
He answered again shaking his head.

'When we were younger, we used to chase each other around all the time.'
Said Jay chearfully.
'We pretended that we got injured and the girls admired us for our bravery. We were fighting with one another with wooden swords, we had made ourselves. We also had a refuge. Nobody could find us there. It was our secret. Anyway... What about you? How did you get that?'

He insisted.

The man sighed. He took out his pipe and smoked.
'Ok then. If you really are so curious to know, I will tell you.'
He said mysteriously.
And so he started.

'Once, a very long time ago , I-like you- was involved in a crazy game. I, and many many others, you see- like you-were these little, funny guys running after each other endlessly. It was a huge game, involving millions of people. '

The sun had hidden itself behind the clouds. A seagull came and stood on a rock next to them, like wanting to desperately know why  Humans would do such a thing.

'Each player belonged to a team. Every team was against the other, even though they could cooperate. But it wasn't that simple. People got obsessed with it and wanted to play more and more. But, that could cost their lives. Many years passed, but the game still went on. And the more it went, the more bad things kept happening to people.
It wasn't an inoccent game, not at all. People by entering it, got destroyed. Terrible things could happen there and no rules could control its continuation. Let's just say that everyone finally got something so that they could remember all about it. So, I got this.'
He finished pointing at his leg.

He stopped to look at the boy.

'And who finally won that game?'
Asked Jay.

Mr Rostwood laughed bitterly.

He answered.

'And how much did it last?'

'Ah, I can't even remember. But you see, even if it officialy ended, it still happens one way or another. People still enter that dangerous game, and thing is,'
He said raising his finger
'the huge majority of them doesn't even want to. It has many variations, too.
So many we can't even imagine. Damage can happen to people in so many ways.'
He said quietly, more like talking to himself now, lowering his eyes at the surface of the sea.

'Well, want to hear a joke a friend of mine said?'
Asked Jay to make the man happier.

'I really do.'

And they started talking about all kinds of things.They laughed and they talked for hours, not even realising how fast the time had passed. Mr Rostwood had never been so open in his life before. When he was with this kid, he felt like being transported to another universe, full of colours and magic.

They left the place, went to grab something to eat, and walked down the various streets. They went to locations, none of the them had ever been before, it was like discovering the city again. Now, after talking about all these dark stuff, their mood was lifted and their faces got more relaxed. It had started to grow dark when they decided to go back.

Now, they were right outside of the orphanage again, a building so familiar to Mr Rostwood, he felt like he had been living there his whole life.

They stood in silence.

'Do you want me to come again tommorow?'
Asked the man.

'Of course I do.'
Smiled the child.

'So be it then.'
He answered, taking off his hat in an amusing way, like a gentleman.

Jay then realised that he had so many things to talk about with this man, he didn't even find the time to ask his name.

'Are you going to tell me your name, or do you prefer to keep it a secret?'
He asked laughing.

'John Rostwood, my boy.'
He answered gently.

'Oh, have a nice night then, Mister John Rostwood!'
Said Jay and disappeared behind the rusty door.

Thanks for reading everyone. Give me a comment if you want to motivate me to continue writing.
Keep it strong!

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