We continue to drive, all while listening to the Hamilton™ album. I swear, I'm going to kill my sister for getting Rai into that damn musical. Yes, I love the music, yes it's amazing, do I want to listen to it 24/7, no.


"I am the one thing in life I can con- yes?" 

"I was wondering if we could borrow the Man Copter to go to New York this weekend, Piper really wants to go shopping and she's been sort of down. So can we?" 

"I don't know Henry, you know I don't like you flying the Man Copter." 

"Come on man, I'm 18 years old, I can drive the Man Copter." 

"I don't know." 

Just say yes!

"Come on Rai!" 

He looks over at me with a conflicted look. "Henry-" 

Pay attention!

He starts to slow down, he was distracted. He wasn't paying enough attention to the road as he was to my request, and now we were swerving slowly. Swerving into the next lane, and suddenly a car was coming at us. A red Volkswagen™. 

"Look out!" I scream too late. 

The car blares its horn but it's too late to do anything. We collide with the car. I see Rai attempt to use himself as a human shield for me but he was thrown back. The fronts of the two cars smash together with a rage uncaring for its occupants. 

Why couldn't I just have protected him?

I feel my body slam forward, bashing my head and body against the dashboard. My head feels like it's splitting open, but nothing compares to the sickening feeling of multiple bones cracking inside of me. I feel a rain of glass cut me open. When the car slams back to the ground causing me to fall back against my seat. 

I tried to keep my eyes open, and I could Rai yelling my name, pleading for me to stay awake. 

But I just couldn't. 

Rai's Point of View 

When I looked at the road, the red car was already too close to get out of the way. 

As we hit the car, I try to take the force for Henry, but I'm thrown back. 

Why didn't I pay attention?

I briefly see him get slammed forward, his head crashing against the glove compartment, body crashing against the dashboard. With a horrible sound, I heard multiple loud cracks. He's broken bones. The windshield shattered on impact, raining down on Henry and I. Of course it did nothing to me, but it cut Henry everywhere it could find. His arms, his face, his neck. My gods, theres a large shard of glass stabbed into his chest. 

When the car falls back against the ground, he was thrust back against the car seat, his eyes falling closed. I could see a huge spatter of blood on the dashboard that accompanied the gash on his forehead. 

"Henry! Henry are you ok?"

He groaned in pain. 

Why did I make him come?

"Henry open your eyes! Please don't go to sleep! Don't fall asleep!" 

But he couldn't. I whip out my phone and call 911. After two rings a woman picks up. "911, what's your emergency?" 

"My friend and I were just in a front on collision. I'm fine but he has a laceration to the head caused by blunt force trauma. He also has multiple wounds caused by broken glass from the windshield. He has a stab wound in his chest from a large shard of glass."

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