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'Amandla, please, listen to me.' The more Trevor keeps trying to capture Amandla's attention, the more she ignores him.
'Sir, would you like your coffee with or without sugar?' She keeps throwing anything seemingly professional in order to get away from whatever new thing he is trying to put on her now.
'Amandla.' He grabs her arm. 'Listen to me, please. I... I need to talk to you. Please,' Trevor cries.
'Sir, we're at the stadium where you're going to be performing tonight. We're also surrounded by a lot of people. And you know how people are always looking for something to gossip about. You should be rehearsing and not trying to give them a reason to gossip about you.'
'I know. But I still need to talk to you about what happened last night.'
'Sir, let's forget about what happened last night. Let bygones be bygones. Okay?'
'No, I... Please just give me one minute to explain things to you.'
'I have a lot of work to do. That's why I'm here, to work. And not to make friends. That was made very clear to me.'
'I know that I treated you very badly last night. I shouldn't have. It's just that I thought that...'
'You thought that because you're Trevor Jackson then every girl has to be Gaga over you. That makes sense. But I think that you should fix that mentality. It's not fair to people like me,' Amandla bites then walks away. Trevor stares at her in confusion.
'What is wrong with this girl?' He scratches his head. 'Unbelievable. Any girl would die to experience what she did. But they manage to only dream about it. Yet, she... she... damn this girl!'

As Trevor practices is performance on the stage, he can't help but glance over at Amandla time and time again. Still wondering what in the world her problem is. And out of all the many times he glanced at her, never once did he catch her staring at him. And that makes him very angry. He catches one of his backup dancers staring at him a while after the first part of his rehearsal. He slowly puts down the bottle of water he's holding and walks up to the blond. He can see that her heart is racing like it has never raced before. Her knees could give up on her right here and now. And her trying to hide it is a dismal fail.
'Do you like me?' His straight forward question takes her out of her body for a second.
'M... m...mmme?' She stutters.
'Who else am I talking to?' He asks.
'Just answer my question.'
'I'm a big fan, sir. I'm crazy about you. I have all your pictures up on my wall. You're on my wallpaper. I have your latest song set as my ringtone. I've downloaded all your albums. I... I...'
Trevor suddenly turns around and walks away from her. Leaving her dumbfounded. But that was good food for him. Yet, it's what gets him all the more confused.
'Ive never met that girl before. Yet, she's absolutely crazy about me. And that Amandla, I'm offering myself to her on a silver patter and she dares to treat me like that? First she speaks to me anyhow, then slaps me, then walks away from a conversation, and I have to remain silent about it?' He troubles his mind.

Amandla enters the dressing-room and sees an elderly man struggle to set the light bulb in as he stands on the stepladder. He turns his neck to see who just entered.
'Oh, Amandla! I'm so glad that it's you. Please, dear. I'll end up messing myself if I stay here any longer. Please, just set this bulb for me,' he says, getting down from the stepladder. He shoves the bulb into her hands and Amandla smiles as she watches him run out of the room. She walks towards the ladder and slowly climbs it. Her height isn't really in her favor. But she stretches her arm out in order to install the light bulb anyway. For some reason she loses her balance on the stepladder and is taken back. But instead of landing hard on the floor, her body is secured in the arms of non other than... Trevor.

The beauty... well, at this point, Trevor being Trevor won't agree that it's her beauty that has him staring at her like he's only seeing her for the first time. If it was any other person you'd be certain that he was seeing beauty for the first time. Like she, for some reason, has started to sparkle and shine. But yet there's something else. Something deeper. Something beyond grand beauty.
When he realizes that he has been staring into her eyes long enough, he gently puts her down so that she can stand on her feet.
'Are you okay?' He finally says, looking at anything and everything that isn't Amandla.
'Yeah, thank you. I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there. You're a hero, I guess,' Amandla smiles. Her words tug onto some strings in his heart. No one has ever had a reason to thank him before. A real reason. And not because he caused the problem and then fixed it to appear more human like, because in reality, Trevor's humanity is something he isn't sure he was born with. Leading him to sometimes wonder why he was born a human being and not directly a demon.
'Trevor.' They both say each other's names simultaneously.
'Uhm, you go first,' Trevor says.
'I wanted to speak to you. I... I know I behaved rudely with you. I shouldn't have spoken to you or rather reacted in that way. I'm really sorry,' Amandla apologizes, holding Trevor's steady gaze.
'It's really not your fault. I was the one that misbehaved. Amandla, the truth is that...'
'It's okay. You don't have to explain yourself. I understand. But please, don't repeat that mistake again.'

'I won't. But I still need to explain myself. I don't want you to keep that impression of me forever. Amandla, I've always lived this kind of life. I'm used to getting whatever and whoever I want. I'm used to getting attention. I can't lie, all if not most of the girls I have in my life have always been attracted to me. I know you're different. But I just let that idea get into my head and I forgot who I was dealing with. I'm really sorry.'
'Like I always say, let bygones be bygones,' Amandla smiles.
'You always say that?'
'Nope. But I do now. So, friends?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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