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'Who is she?' Trevor's underworld mother, Jaddda asks him.
'Who is who, Mother?' Trevor bows his head before her. The respect Trevor fails to give to real human beings, including the woman who put him to birth, he accomplishes to give to his spiritual mother.
'That girl that works for you. She's ruining everything!' Jaddda yells furiously.
'I still am lost, Mother.'
'Amandla Stenberg,' she says, making Trevor lift his head.
'Amandla? What about her?' He asks.
'She's a Christian. She's not just any Christian. She's making it difficult for me to control the lives of a lot of people. Ever since she started working for you she's been preaching and sharing the gospel with her colleagues. She's teaching them how to pray,' Jaddda says.
'Their prayers have no power,' Trevor says.
'Oh, really? The demons I sent out to control their lives came back injured. You know why? Because that stupid girl keeps spreading the gospel. She's opening their eyes. I need you to stop her,' she says.
'Should I kill her?' Trevor asks, excited because for the first time he'll be allowed to shed human blood.
'No. You can't. I visited her myself today. I planned an accident for her. Somehow she escaped. If I couldn't do it then you can't either,' Jaddda says.
'So, then...'
'I have a plan. I want you to seduce her. She's too strong a Christian. But in a moment of weakness I can destroy her. If you can cause her to not only sin greatly against her God. Not only that but also curse him. That moment she'll be ours. Then we'll capture her soul. She caused me to fail today, Trevor. I attacked her twice. Twice and failed. But you, my son, are not going to fail. You'll get married to Sherldddi after you accomplish this mission.'

'But, Mother. How can I... I need to get married to Sherldddi so that I can become more powerful. I don't want to just mess people's lives. I want to kill. I want to marry her even now!'
'Patient, Trevor. Accomplish this mission first. Destroy Amandla. I want her soul. She has saved many people's lives through out the past few years of her pathetic life. There's no day she doesn't evangelize. She prays too much. She doesn't stumble. She's not interested in worldy things. She's protected. There's a stari her! Do you know how that angers our king? He too wants to destroy her. And has personally given it to me to be responsible for that. He wants her soul. And you are the only one that can get it. Make her fall crazy in love with you. I give you the authority to ruin her life. Her family too. Penetrate and leave no stone unturned. Destroy Amandla by making her curse her God. Then... only then will you be allowed to kill her. Did you understand?' Jaddda asks Trevor.
'I understand.'
'One more thing. Do not under any circumstances fall in love with her. If you do, then even I won't be able to save you from Sherldddi. You are as much a demon as a human being. There are some things that even I cannot take away from you. Like the ability to fall in love. But I forbid you to do so. Or else Sherldddi, that mermaid will kill you, Trevor. She'll kill you. You swore with an oath that you wouldn't have mercy on anyone. Not even your family members. And that is why up till date you've caused them all the problems that they've had. Whatever you asked for you recieved. Do this much and you'll recieve even more power.'

Trevor Jackson is the devil's son (Trevor Jackson and Amandla Stenberg)Where stories live. Discover now