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'So, this is the new song I'm supposed to sing?' Trevor asks Darzon.
'Yes, just as your father requested,' Darzon, one of his specially assigned demon speaks, lowering his head. And just like that disappears. And that definitely doesn't surprise Trevor one bit. He too is very much capable of disappearing whenever he wants. He can turn into anything he wishe to turn into. Why wouldn't he be able too? After all, he's the devil's son.

He looks at the piece of paper Darzon just handed to him, with just a glance all the lyrics register into his head.
'Oh, Dad,' he sighs, laughing at the lyrics in his head. He shrinks himself and gets into his cupboard. Sitting himself on a chair in a new room fitting his new size. As usual, at the beginning of the year he has to set his preferences.
He stares at all the glass balls that hang over his head. His eyes fall on his father's glass ball. He stares at his face for a while, without thinking twice he sets his father for lung cancer. His Mother's image to be publicly ruined. His older sister to be barren as she has been since four years. He also sets problems for all his fans and followers. Carelessly he transfirms back into his human self and walks to the kitchen in his house.
'Trevor, don't leave your phone lying around like this. It almost drowned,' His Mom, Charlotte says, walking past him with a set of dishes.
'I have enough money to buy the world,' he rorlls his eyes.
'You don't have to remind everyone of how much money this family has. There are people who are struggling. Respect that,' Charlotte says. He lifts a brow and fakes understanding. Taking his expensive phone from the island and purposely drops it on the floor. He slowly takes a step and breaks the phone with the weight of his leg.
'You're right, Mother. There are people that are struggling, but it's only because they choose to. I have all the money in the world. So, I can do whatever I want and however I want. That I can remind you.' Trevor steps out of the kitchen.

He feels that he is alone in the corridor, so he takes the opportunity to bring the exact same phone he just destroyed a few minutes ago fresh out of his palm and in its complete totality.

Trevor Jackson is the devil's son (Trevor Jackson and Amandla Stenberg)Where stories live. Discover now