The Beginning Of The End

Start from the beginning

" Don't fucking go near my father. Not one of you freaking horse crappers"
Julius roared. I try to believe this is a sick joke as Juls walked towards me .

I looked straight into his eyes, all I could se was hate, hatred for me.

"Julius what is this, what's gotten into you, stop this act "

He picked me up by my collar .

"I'm not Julius, I am Alejandro Ernesto de la Cruize. And I'm your worst nightmare "

The planted his fist in my face.

Imelda tried to run to me but Marcello ordered for her and cardi to be held down.

"Hold them down and don't interfere with Alejandro (pronounced Alejandro). Let him finish what he started and let him enjoy his vengance".

Alejandro's POV.

I trew off my tie and took off my suit jacket . I folded up my sleeves and took a stance while staring at my mother's murderer.

"Get up, fight me. I might be angry but I always fight fair". I threw my gun to one of the guards.

I crouched down and took a stance.

He stumbled up " Im not gonna do this".

"It wasnt a suggestion it was a challenge. I always knew you were a coward."

His face looks familiar so do the women . Some how I know what to say to piss him off.

Rage flashes across his eyes.

"You're a coward Santiago Gonzalez a fucking coward".

He charges towards me like and angry cave man.

He swings his right fist at me and I duck eveding it easily.

His missed attempt gave me an opening on his right shoulder. I raked my elbow int his scapula then immediatly followed he an uppercut.

He flew to the ground.

I kicked him in the shin and bent kid left knee till I heard a satisfying snap.

"Get up you weak coward, C'mon fight me ".

He stood up balancing himself on one foot delivering a punch to my gut.

I let him because it's give mea good opening to deliver a hard punch to his head.

His stamina dropped and he was wobbly.

Props for him standing up.

I zoned out all noises including his annoying wife shouting.

"Kill that bitch, would ya! ".

Soon enough a gun shot sounded andshe was cut off.

"Noooooo!, Fuck no Imelda get up please. Don't leave me! ".

He attempted to run towards her but I kicked his legs.

"Now it's your turn! " I smiled smugly at Santiago before retriving my pocket knife.

I flicked it open and strutted towards him.

Just for effect, I aimed, turned my back and trew the knife.

I turned back and the knife planted its self in his stomach. "Was aiming for the head but ehhh" I shrugged.

I walked towards him, crouched down an twisted the knife. He let out a shriel cry of pain.

"Let's go boys. Father, it's done.
Revenge is ours. We've won."

"Good son, now what's left is to dominate BHC is gonna rise hijo because I have you. "


I screamed at the air smiling.

I got into my Rosrez and sped to the hanger with the other cars trailing behind.

We all boarded the jet and took off.

It's not the end, but it's the;


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