I looked at Denki... He was crying too... Why do they do that..?! Why do they care..? They shouldn't... They can't. It's only gonna hurt them.

My vision started to get blurry. Bretahing got harder for me. I couldn't move. My eyes were getting harder to keep open. I was loosing consciousness. I knew it. I knew how it feels. I felt it too many times to not know.

I looked at Kirishima. I felt that my face wasn't emotionless anymore. My face was covered in pure horror. I figured that out from the every single feeling I felt in this moment and from The Red Head's look. He again looked worried. I still don't understand...


Those were my last toughts, but not the last words... The last ones were

"Eijiro... I wish I could, but he wouldn't let me..."

I passed out completely now. I still felt. I still heard. I still knew, but I couldn't respond, couldn't move, no matter how hard I tried. My breathing was steady, nothing was wrong, except that I felt like I was hyperventilating. It was the worst. I felt like I couldn't breath, but I was breathing in a good peace..

I knew that now The Voice will use the perfect time of me being unconscious on the outside, but widly conscious in the inside to mess up in my head a little more...

Hello dear..~ You were right, here I am... Sorry not sorry, had to take control. You are too weak and useless to take the pressure. I have to try and get you out of everything. You are too stupid for it.

"I'm not your dear... I never liked you... But I know that you're right... That's the only reason I'm listening to you... You are always right. I'm too stupid, weak, worthless to do anything myself, so I listen to you... That's the only way..." (The toughts/answers to the voice will be written in Italics, but the others will be wrote in normal. I wanted to get everything right, no confusion)

My toughts were the only words that came out of my mouth. In fact, only in my mind, but it was the only way at the moment. I knew what The Voice said was true. It always was and will be...

As I started to realize we were near the U.A. I now heard Aizawa and Kirishima talking... No, yelling to each other, Eijiro didn't sound that tired... He only aounded worried and scared.. I also heard Kaminari crying and panting from running.

They're voices were loud enough to be heard by me, but too quiet and muffled for me to understand them. I felt more useless not being able to understand them.

It hurt me to know that they feel so much pain because of me... I wanted to die so much... I wanted to fly. But a human can't fly... That's the point... You jump- you can't be saved by anyone or anything...

See, they feel pain. They are hurt. They feel helpless. They feel totally non heroic. They feel worthless, because they can't help YOU. It's only your fault that they feel that. Only yours.

"I-I know that... God... I'm so useless...". I knew that. I had to agree with him. It was pretty stupid someone might think, but I felt that he was right, even when I haven't really felt anything lately except pain, hurt, fear and sadness...

Indeed you are, sweetheart... Ooh... It's the only clever thing you said in forever. And I think it's never gonna happen again. Maybe only when you say that you are gonna kill yourself... It will be the most and last clever thing you would say in your life. Just... Go die..!

I didn't want to answer him... There was no point, when I knew that he was more intelligent than me. I would gladly die, but it's never that easy... I tried, but people are weird and they save those people... They always are against my word... They always try to 'save' me, but it never works. I just feel more pain after it...

After a while I started to feel weird. It was too comfortable. It was warm. I heard quiet talking, again, I wasn't able to understand it. But after a few, I tought minutes, but in reality hours, the warmness disappeared. It felt more emptier than usually... I didn't care, after all, everything that is good leaves me...

One moment, the voices around me were loud and muffled, and then they were quiet and understandable... They talked about me... My finger twitched, then two, my whole hand and then I was awake...

I saw the light. The light and plain white room. It felt weird. It seemed like a mental hospital from some stories, but the aura was too nice...

I blinked a few times and opened my eyes wildly. I saw a certain Red Head right beside me. He smiled trought tears. It was beautiful and painful at the same time... The smile made it beautiful, but the tears made it painful to look at, knowing that it was my fault...

I started to get anxious. My arms..! I quickly looked at them. My sleeves were down. They were... Untouched... I was relieved at this time. I looked at my whole body, I still was in my clothes. They didn't change me. That's good...

I looked down. My feet were covered in bandages. On my face I felt some bandages too. The events from a few hours ago came back. I started calling myself the worse words. Cursing myself.

I felt like shit. My wrist were tingling and pounding a little. I had the urge to cut myself, but I couldn't now. Too many people... I looked around. Besides Eijiro I saw Pikachu, Aizawa and All Might... I was ready for the questions... I knew what was gonna happen...

I slowly spaced out by looking at the window. I knew I shouldn't, but the leaf that was slowly falling down was literally pulling me to look at it. That was until I heard the raspy voice of Aizawa ask

"What exactly happened? Boys haven't said anything. They just kept saying 'he, he, he'. Explain. We are worried, we want to help you.". Aizawa's words didn't make me feel better...

I never believed those words...

To be continued...

A/N: 1710 words. Sorry for the problems. I really am feeling like total shit lately and it's harder to work like that, but that's the usual feeling. There, the chapter. I hope you liked it. Oh and let me know if you would want to see an another story! Of course, I'm not giving up on this one! This story let's me to let my feeling go loose. It helps me. That's all. Bye! <3

[DISCONTINUED!] I'm scared... Please, help me... [Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now