Oc #4

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(It may technically be oc #3 since Eiko doesn't exactly count for the main games but 🤷🏽‍♀️)
Name: Junpei Nakamura
Nicknames: June, ace, spades and joker were the most common ones, along with a few others that float around the bar.
He also got called pain killer a couple times, that's the weirdest one by far.
Age: 17-19
Ultimate: Game dealer (like blackjack,poker,etc)

Personality: Junpei is the kind of person where "I'm okay" and "don't worry about me" could almost a catchphrase of his. He prefers to have people worry about greater problems happening instead of himself. His confidence is also, pretty minimal so that's some of the reason behind that too, he always tries to keep everyone smiling though, even when he finds it hard to do so himself. His serious looking demeanour usually ends up scaring other people away though, unfortunately. Though to people who have approached them he's actually pretty talkative, he actually wants to know about people for their personality since he can't exactly see their faces. He tends to keep his ideas to himself though, because who would want to believe him for things like murder cases right?
Appearance:Nobody can really tell his talent from how he looks really, he's a pretty much average height twig. He stands at about 5,11 and is skinny enough that you could probably feel the bones in his arms. He tends to remain with his eyes closed, or wears orangish coloured contact lenses to bring some kind of life to his eyes, his normal eye colour is grey and they almost fade into his irises anyway. His hair is black and his skin tone is best described as olive. He's definitely got his fair share of scars too, more prominently his knees and a few around his eyes and nose.
Clothing: these don't exactly look the part for his ultimate either, he wears a black jean jacket with the hood and sleeves of a grey hoodie instead of the normal jean sleeves. Underneath he wears a red t-shirt, paring that with a pair of black jeans and (probably off brand) red converse.
Anything else notable: he has a tattoo of an ace on the upper part of his left arm, he got an older friend to give it to him somehow when he was 16

Likes:Junpei's favourite game is just a basic game of poker or blackjack, it goes back to the stereotypical stuff, games that you would here about in everyday life. He also like having people/friends to talk to that don't do it cause he's a 'walking charity case'. He just really likes to make people happy, that's the one job he keeps working for day to day, it sounds cheesy but, he wants that. With that personality, would you not expect that he also loves hardcore rock music like Hollywood undead?
Dislikes: sore losers who blame their loss on other people, how 'the opponent cheated' or 'oh he dealed me a bad hand.' It's so stupid that it pisses him off more than his younger siblings do sometimes. You lost, big deal. Sometimes other people would ask him to play/deal for games he's never heard about and are from like 15th century France and get mad at him for not knowing it. Ableism, is something he's disliked for as long as he could remember, even people that are deaf, immobilized, in a wheelchairs can one day commit murder if they wish too. So most of his teachers at school, and the guidance counsellor they force him to see sometimes, those are people excluded for his goal.
Strengths: He's very good at actions that call for sleight of hand, like card tricks, splitting the deck, or hiding stuff from his youngest sister, Ishiko. His feelings of touch and sound are pretty good along with his capability of solving problems (simple ones like fights between his siblings and arguments at the bar)
Flaws: Junpei can be a little to trusting of people who come up and talk to him, if they try to be friendly with him, he'll simply just do the same in return and, that has come back to bite him in the a$$ more than once, his sense of danger is often at least a little bit off too. He's also nowhere even near good with anything more than friendship, he doesn't know how to go farther than that. And if it does he ends up panicking
Weaknesses: romantic relationships as said above, and he tends to keep his negative emotions to himself since he doesn't want anybody to worry about him. He's even been able to lie to himself about that kind of thing before. Also a big one S E L F E S T E E M, sometimes he just thinks he's not good enough for people to worry about him, so he busies them with other things to talk about.
Fears: smashing glass is one of his biggest fears, for obvious backstory reasons.

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