Criminal scenarios

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1) (A) is a thief and (B) is either the child of a detective or training to be one. Somehow, (B) manages to get caught up in many of (A)'s heists, whatever happens next is up to you.

2) (A) is a renowned thief and (B) is the child of a rich family, (B) gets kidnapped along with the thing (A) has to steal so (A) has to save both.

3) student by day and thief/murderer by night, what happens when (A) finds out (B)'s identity.

4)there's a case going on where two thief's are going for the same treasure, (B) gets caught and threatened by the copycat thief and (A) saves their a$$

5) (A) and (B) are married/dating, (A) knows what (B) is, and is perfectly alright with it. One day (A) offers to help (B) on a heist and, unfortunately ends up passing away said night as well

6) the classic (A) has to murder (B) because they're beginning to know to much about the place they work for, but (A) can't do it because they're in love with (B)

7) or (A) has to save (B) from (C) who is coming to murder (B) for said reason

8) (A) is hired to reform (B) after they were put away (wether it be false charge or (A) actually did it doesn't matter)

9) (A) goes after (B) when they're in their other personality and almost gets themselves killed because it was raining or icy, or something. (A) wakes up next to (B) and an attempt of a fire.

10) make it up

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