thank you <3

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hi guys! its been almost about two years since ive completed this book and i can't thank you all enough for taking the time to vote and comment on each chapter. we've reached around 88k reads and 7k votes!

i sincerely enjoy reading your comments when i get the time. this book has played a significant role in the growth of my love for writing, i've found ways to constantly imptove my writing whilst writing this book.

quick disclaimer: i'm not saying its perfect hahah but i've improved since then and it's all thanks to the continous support.

i just really felt the need to thank you all for giving this book love. it means so much, its like one of my babies.

i hope you guys been staying stafe, drink lots of water and eat well ya'll :) 

aNd, please hit me up if ya'll want to have a chat or to be friends. <3

once again, thank you for following and supporting along this crazy mess of a book. love you all.


-hishope//junghope Where stories live. Discover now