twenty nine

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"Hey, Jungkook asked me to hang out tomorrow." Hoseok said looking over at Jimin they had just drop Jungkook and Jin off. Jin wanted to stay over at Jungkook's so he can take care since the younger was still ill. Hoseok volunteered to do so too but Jin said that he had already taken care of Jungkook the past day.

"Oh thats nice." Jimin smiled cutely moving his hand from the steering wheel to Hoseok's hand and entwining it with his own.

"You and Jungkook seem to be getting closer lately." Jimin added, Hoseok got a bit nervous but Jimin should know that they were both just friends and nothing more

"Of course, I mean he's a pretty sweet guy and really easy to talk to."  Hoseok smiled Jimin chuckled and brought their hands together and kissed the back of Hoseok's hand

"As long as you don't get too close its fine."

Hoseok let out a hum and smiled at Jimin.

They got home a few minutes later, showered and got into bed. Jimin wrapped his arms tightly around Hoseok, like he was scared that Hoseok would disappear the next time he let him go. Jimin had his vulnerable moments, he may seem like a dominant man but when it comes to Hoseok he was smitten.

After talking for a little bit more Hoseok's breathing slowed down signaling that he was asleep and Jimin slowly snuggled himself into Hoseok's hair inhaling the sweet calm scent.

"Hoseok, I love you more than stars there are in a starry night."

"I will love you as long as there are stars above us."

"And longer if I can."

trying my hardest not to make this into a jihope fic instead :') but im planning something really special, this moment has a part of that "something special" . its a surprise for you guys who have stuck with me throughout this whole book 💖

i know i am, about 9 days late but i would like to say condolence to the family of kim jonghyun, his friends and fans. he will be missed very much.
i don't know him that much but i heard he was an angel, i've been seeing more and more videos of him nowadays and i believe that he is.

rest in peace kim jonghyun 

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