twenty five

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"Hey Kook!" Jimin said cheerily unaware of Jungkook's feelings as he opened the door seeing a sulking Jungkook under the covers

"Are you okay?" The elder asked worriedly as he slowly made his way towards Jungkook  who shifted a bit under the covers to turn his back probably to Jimin

Jungkook knew the way he was acting was very childish and Jimin had no idea what was happening, he didn't even know Jungkook's feelings towards Hoseok! Jungkook planned to keep it that way, though he was hurting a lot saying that he loved Hoseok would make things a lot worse.

He wondered why he couldn't ever move on from Hoseok, surely they were other boys but he kept on thinking Hoseok was the only one. That kiss proved it, but it was just one kiss.

Why was he holding on to that kiss?

What ever happened, had happened years ago and no changing it but whenever Jungkook asked himself the question 'Why Hoseok?'

He found himself thinking about that kiss.

But then soon gasped in pain as his chest tightened again, he shot up while gripping unto his shirt not caring if Jimin was there seeing him in that state. He tried to breathe in and out to calm his heart but it kept on tightening and loosening after a few seconds.

Jimin ran over and held Jungkook while he whispered soothing words shouting for Hoseok to grab some water and turn on the light. The boy did as so and got even more worried as he saw Jungkook painfully trying to breathe while Jimin held him as he whispered soothing words to calm his brother down.

"Heres the water." Hoseok said holding out the glass, Jimin turned and gave a grateful smile and made Jungkook control his breathing before making him down the glass of water.

Jungkook calmed down a few minutes after but was still breathing heavily.

"I didn't know Jungkook had asthma." Hoseok said confused as he worriedly glanced over to Jungkook who was now peacefully sleeping on the bed, his upper body was slightly elevated so that he wouldn't have to lay flat and have difficulty breathing.

"I didn't know either. I'm pretty sure he didn't have it as a kid though." Jimin said sharing the same confusion as Hoseok

"But he could have done some difficult activities for that to happen, asthma just doens't pop out of no where does it?" Hoseok asked as he looked down at Jungkook genuinely worried for him

"I have to get Jungkook checked up soon, for now I should call Jin." Jimin said as he excused himself getting out his phone leaving Hoseok with a sleeping Jungkook. Hoseok's frowned softened as he realized how more peaceful Jungkook looked in his sleep, he looked more younger and relaxed. Instead of a dominant young man, he sees the young boy he met those years ago.

Before Hoseok could stop himself his hands found themselves playing with Jungkook's chestnut brown hair, his eyes trailed down to his lips. The ones he almost kissed earlier and the ones he kissed all those years ago.

That kiss, almost made Hoseok want to drop everything and stay with Jungkook. The offer was too tempting to refuse but Jungkook was more important than anything in the world to Hoseok.

There, he admits it. The feelings may be mutual, but there was Jimin who loved Hoseok all too much and would want Hoseok's happiness before his own. Hoseok may love Jimin too, Jungkook was something of the past. His secret but Jungkook came back showing Hoseok who he really loved.

Oh how he wished everything was much more easier.

-hishope//junghope Where stories live. Discover now