twenty six

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Jungkook dressed in a huge sweater and pants went down the stairs and greeted Jimin his words were a bit muffled due to the mask over his mouth. Hoseok was by the door texting someone, Jin was outside starting the car. They were going to the doctors to have Jungkook checked up, it was either them overreacting about Jungkook's fever or seeing the signs of something serious happening within Jungkook's body.

But either way they all still hoped that Jungkook was going to be okay, they all got in the car and currently on the way to the doctors. Uncomfortable silence filled the small space of the car, its the atmosphere the situation brings out that makes it scary. Doctor visits were always scary to Jungkook and Jimin, you never know something wrong could be happening in your body and you're about to find out in the next few minutes, the thought wasn't exactly pleasant.

Jin drove, Jimin sat at front and Hoseok and Jungkook at the back. It took quite a long time to reach the hospital so they four sat in uncomfortable silence a few minutes into the ride. A few minutes later Jin started a conversation with Jimin about the situation of the company leaving Hoseok and Jungkook.

Jungkook looked visibly nervous as he fiddled with his fingers, he hoped that there was nothing wrong. He was thinking of worse case scenarios that could happen as his heart started to pound faster, he tried calming down by looking out of the window and losing himself in the busy streets of Seoul.

Hoseok noticed this and slowly took Jungkook's hand into his own surprising the younger.

But maybe for Hoseok this was only an act of friendship Jungkook sadly thought so he tried not to think much of it, but it was hard as his heart was pounding wildly against his chest just having Hoseok's hand in his own.

It was so soft and very comfortable to hold, it was quite small too. Which made Jungkook remember those late nights all those years ago when he used  to hold Hoseok's hand as they walked along the empty cold streets, but here they were. Now, Hoseok's small hand barely wrapping around Jungkook's whole hand.

"Hey don't be nervous okay? Doctor visits can be intimidating but let's stay positive." Hoseok encouraged, though his words were simple it caused a feeling of relief to burst within Jungkook, especially the skin ship they were currently having. He felt so safe in Hoseok's words, his hand was his security blanket.

He knew it was going to be alright.

-hishope//junghope Where stories live. Discover now