"Doesn't sound good to me." Blake said and emphasizes twitching her ears on top her head.

Cooper then asks his partner to which he answers, "Accessing Files... Kane. A mercenary commonly affiliated with the Apex Predators. A well-known narcotics user and supplier." he then thought of it, 'Well no wonder why he doesn't sound fine.' shrugging he moves on.

"One of the Apex Predator members is here. I think we're about to get a boss fight." Yang said and the two sisters were hyped at the fight and is a good way to avenge Lastimosa.

Weiss scoffs at the mention of drugs seeing them as unhealthy and are the reasons people are killed and is no way a good use for helping them be happy, while Blake blushes her pillow hides something she uses whenever no ones around.

Using the Kraber to kill snipers across him in other to move to the next chamber of the facility, the pa comes on again with Kane speaking, "To any Militia left in the facility, Just so you know, this is Kan's place. You're welcome to stay as long as it takes to kill you, which by the way, will not be long!" some time later Cooper's helmet catches radio calls from friendly Militia's in the facility, making his way he soon finally meets them alarming him of the new threat from the IMC's new mechanized infantry, walking through a hallway the doors across him opens and standing menacingly is a Stalker.

Ruby yelp in surprise she took aim with her Kraber and downs the threat in one shot but suffered much from the Stalker's own, she calms down from the surprise and glares at her team whom are chuckling.

Entering a room with Militia grunts and assist in fighting the mechanized infantry which is proven to be difficult but with some grenades and large caliber bullets they are destroyed, pushing on ahead, Cooper feels tired of moving around a lot BT asked if he needs rest which he declines and BT insists that they should keep moving. Then Kane speaks in the pa, "So, I got word there's some Vanguard-class Titan and an SRS Pilot taking out my IMC support. Whoever you are..."slow clapping echoes in the pa "...not bad. Not bad at all, my friend. I just hope you're better than the last one I killed..." focusing on returning to BT, switching waepons he deals with some enemies and moves around this long and tiring maze of a facility he hears Kane on the radio talking with an IMC grunt about, BT and him, and insults the grunt of being incompetent and that he can do it himself.

"How did Cooper hear Kane, his not connected to any channel?" Weiss questioned.

"It may be either he or BT intersected their signal and listen in on them." Blake said.

It is always useful to gain information on their enemy, so you can formulate a plan and beat them.

Moving through the facility BT calls on Cooper, "Pilot, exercise caution."

Ruby replies "You too, BT. Where are you?"

"Following the stream of sludge. The current is strong ahead, suggesting an exit. Keep moving forward."

The team reel back with a disgusted face at the mention of sludge, they don't like the sound of something that's gross.

"Pilot, our paths will intersect just up ahead."

Ruby smirks, "Missing me already?"

"I was not shooting at you. That would be in violation of Protocol 3" BT responds "Never mind."

This exchange made the team laugh at his expense.

Entering a room Cooper sees BT across him, "Long time no see, BT." "On the contrary, your helmet provided me with a live feed of your actions. You fought well out there, Pilot. The controls to deactivate the sludge flow are in the next chamber. Marking your HUD." after BT's compliment, opening the door to the chamber Cooper sneaks around and eliminate all the enemies which later turned into a gunfight, "IMC security forces... " Kane sighs "I guess that's why they pay me the big bucks. You want something done right, you do it yourself. All right scrubs, enough's enough, I'm coming down."

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