Season 20: 2# Back To Sydney Uni

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Brad's POV.

We sat on our seats as we started listening to Mr. Hawkins. I bet he's going to tell us about the camp or something. I think we'll go to separate places for our camp while me and my research gang will be in Norfolk Island.

Mr. Hawkins: So, now that restrictions have eased, all of us are going to have camps in different external territories of Australia. So I am going to assign each and every one of you to each island. Let's start with Norfolk Island. So those who will go to Norfolk Island are those in every research course. Especially the top students.

Everyone: Yes!

Yao: Wait, I can't come.

Mr. Hawkins: Why?

Yao: Because I'm going back to Houston before you guys depart.

Selena: Oh.

Arzaylea: Well, too bad.

Brad: Mr. Hawkins, what is she doing here? Along with her and some other guys I don't know.

Mr. Hawkins: Oh, they'll join you on your camping trip to Norfolk Island. They are part of another research course which involves chemicals and stuff.

Luke: They're joining us in Norfolk Island? Ugh.

Mr. Hawkins: Anyways, about the camp. The physics course will go to Christmas Island and the Cocos(Keeling) Islands. Both of the Indian Ocean Islands.

Calum: At least we won't go with the intimidating 3rd years.

Ashton, Kris, Louis, Yao, James, Tristan, Selena: Hey!

Calum: I meant the 3rd years sitting behind us.

Kris: Oh.

Mr. Hawkins: So now that I told you about where will you go, I'll tell you lot who will go with you in your camps. Research courses, you'll go with Prof. Baxter and the Physics course will go with Prof. Smith.

James: I don't like Prof. Smith.

Tristan: Why?

James: He's the reason why 2nd and 1st years think we're intimidating. And hate us.

Danna: Then can you do his impression?

James: (imitating Prof. Smith) Ugh, stupid 1st and 2nd years. The most unexperienced years in this university. You need to be super harsh on them to prove that we are tough and intimidating and not weak and vulnerable.

Luke: Mate, I'm offended. But that literally sounds like Prof. Smith.

Mr. Hawkins: And now that I assign you to your professors, I'm going to bring in the students of Norwest Christian College.

The students of Norwest Christian College came on stage. Even Zoe, Robert, Raphael, Kan, Aidan, Jamie, Annika, Lexi, Yuto, Tanya, Ben, Ken, Sheryl, Thaiyo, Ankit, Aiden, Carm, Charlie, Shion, Jenny, Sung Mi and Audrey are there too.

Mr. Hawkins: So these groups of students will chose who will go with them for camp. So let's start with this cluster, the top students of Norwest. So who will you lot go with?

Zoe: We'll go with the research course.

Raphael: Our brother is part of that course.

Mr. Hawkins: Okay, thank you. You guys can sit with them.

The kids ran up to grab seats right next to us as Mr. Hawkins keeps on talking to us. We were glad the kids would join us on our camp to Norfolk Island.

Zoe: G'day.

Robert: We decided to join you because we don't want to be apart.

Kan: Yeah.

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