Season 16: Chapter 1: Physical and Mental Health

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Brad's POV.

It has been a week since Luke came out of the hospital. And today is ANZAC day. The 25the of April. Where every Aussie honours those who had fallen during the 1st and 2nd World War. But today I wasn't feeling my best. I don't feel well. I feel like my health is deteriorating. Both physically and mentally.

Connor: Hey Brad, it's time for breakfast.

Brad: Not now. (Coughs)

Connor: Please tell me you have the corona.

Brad: I don't have the corona, I have cystic fibrosis.

Connor: Fair enough. You alright?

Brad: I don't feel so good.

Connor went up to me and felt my forehead for a fever. I really do have a fever.

Connor: You really are not feeling well. I don't think we should do ANZAC day today.

Brad: But we have 10 Aussies in our team and they don't want to miss out the fun.

Connor: They cancelled the dawn services because of the corona. But we can still celebrate at home. They'll understand, just come down with us.

Brad: Fine.

Connor and I went downstairs where everyone is. I just sat down on the sofa like I don't care if any of my friends existed. That's when Luke came up to me.

Luke: Brad, you alright?

Brad: Leave me alone, Con.

Luke: Brad, it's me, Luke. What's going on with you?

Brad: I'm not feeling my best. I dunno what's wrong with me. Besides the fact that I don't feel well.

Luke: You really aren't feeling well. I can feel the heat radiating from you. I guess we won't be doing ANZAC day anymore. So what has been going on with you?

Brad: I feel sick and tired and like I had reached my life expectancy.

Luke: Mate, your life expectancy is 40 and you're still 24.

Brad: 25 this year.

Luke: Yeah. So what happened?

Brad: I started feeling like this a day after you were released from the hospital. I don't know what's happening and now I'm sick. I only get sick during March because it's the wettest month.

Luke: It's April. The wettest month here in Sydney is June which is in a few months. I think we need Aren to check you. You know, to see what's going on.

Brad: But you might miss ANZAC Day.

Luke: Nah, who cares if it's a public holiday if we are still looking out for you. Come on, we'll head to the storage closet.

We went to the storage closet to head to headquarters. We went to the med bay where Aren will check me. I laid on one of the beds as she scanned me.

Aren: It seems like Brad had an infection he usually gets during the rainy days. He is also suffering from mental health issues from his past.

Blake: His parents didn't get a divorce and he wasn't bullied or abused.

Aren: No, it might be something else in his past. Brad, were you having nightmares from the past few days?

Brad: Yes, 3 same old nightmares in a row. It is always me calling out for dad as a building started burning up. I was 17.

Yuto: The fire of 2012.

Brad: It started replaying all over my mind. Over and over again.

Aren: I think you really do have post-traumatic stress disorder. The fire of 2012 is one of the most traumatic things any Zodiac hero has been involved in. We are still trying to find out who started it.

Brad: Could it be someone I know?

Aren: Maybe. Try to get your mind out of it for a while, it's ANZAC day. So I want you, along with the heroes in training to head to Hyde Park. There is a memorial there where people go to during this time. Luckily, there's no one there because of the coronavirus.

Wendy: Isn't it closed right now?

Aren: Yes, but there is one part of the memorial where it is not closed. It is kept secret from anyone but only Zodiac Heroes can access it.

Brad: Can we not go out for now? You can't go out when you're sick.

Aren: Brad, we're a secret to the government and to the public. No one can notice that we're there. The Zodiac part of the memorial is in a secret trap door near the building. But we could just go there by train. Just rest for a while, I believe you're still weak and your temperature is at 39°C.

George: How do you know? We barely checked his temperature.

Aren: I scanned him.

George: Okay.

I slept on my bed in med bay so that I could rest and let my immune system fight the illness I have. Even with having cystic fibrosis. I then felt someone moving some parts of my hair away from my face, it was Connor.

Brad: Hey Con.

Connor: Hey Brad. Feeling a bit better?

Brad: I dunno, I'm always getting used to getting sick.

Connor: And I always see you sick because of cystic fibrosis.

Brad: I know.

Connor: Aren told you rest for a bit, so please rest now.

I closed my eyes again and went to sleep. I didn't get any nightmares as I could sleep properly. It felt like I haven't slept well enough for ages. After about a few minutes later, I woke up and I felt a bit better. We are finally allowed to head to the memorial in Hyde Park. We followed Aren to the trains as we head to Hyde Park. The heroes in training came with us too.

Connor: Brad, are you feeling better, now?

Brad: A bit. But I still feel upset for no reason.

Raphael: There should be a reason why you're upset.

Calum: That's probably a sign of depression.

Aren: His health must be deteriorating. Try to help him as we are about to reach Hyde Park. I'll try to find somewhere to stop in the Zodiac Museum.

I was about to fall asleep in the train when Caspar decided to talk to me.

Caspar: Hey Brad! What's with that face?

Brad: Caspar, I'm not feeling my best.

Connor: He's sick and he is also getting depressed. For some reason.

Caspar: Oh yeah.

Bailee: Didn't Aren told us that, Caspar?

Caspar: I just want to cheer him up.

Blake: Try a different way. We'll tell you once we arrive at the memorial.

We soon arrived at the memorial as Aren lead us out of the train. We were soon greeted by another robot, Aaron.

Aaron: Greetings, Aren.

Aren: Greetings, Aaron.

Aaron: Who are they?

Aren: These are the Zodiac Heroes, Calum, Justin, Devan, Collins, Troye, Luke, Shawn, Niall, Zoe, Michael, Robert, Wendy, Ashton, Raphael, Kan, Aidan, Harry, Nia, Rena, Bindi, Brad, Connor, Jamie, Annika, Brent, Bea, Lexi, Kris, Louis, Yao, Yuto, James, Tanya, Tristan, Ben, Dominic, Ashley, Ken, Alan, Alex, Sheryl Lau, Thaiyo Kido, Sierra, Crystal, Reece, George, Blake, Ankit, Danna, Roman, Aurora, Aiden, Caleb, Harvey, Caspar, Eva, Carm, Julia, Camila, Jenny, Bailee, Sung Mi, Audrey, Charlie and Shion.

Everyone: Hi.

Aaron: Alright, so what brings you here?

Luke: It's ANZAC day so we decided to come here for a tour.

Aaron: Cool! Not everyone comes here this often but alright. Follow me.

The end...

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