#(12) Chasing(part 1)

Start from the beginning

" Sir,Give us a chance to make the things right.I will solve this case at any cost!"

" I knew yoy would say it! You are good at talking but not at Working!"

" No, I will prove this time,sir! I just missed the luck! I am not going to let that killer go! Please sir! If I fail this time you can put me out of this case and you can give me any kind of punishment!"Fatima says with a over-confidence.

" Mind your words! I am strict at giving punishment! "

" I know,sir.I am sure about what I said!"

" Just because you are new , I giving you a chance! But don't forget this is the last chance!"

" Thank you,sir!"

I and that man are listening the conversation of Fatima and Mr.Gateson.Mr.Gateson suddenly draws my attention,

"Don't you have anything to say,Mr.Fahad? I guess you were very irresponsible to leave Miss Rahman in that woman's hand! Not only once! But twice! Were you just standing seeing that woman snatching that diary from Miss Rahman?"

I am really wondering how Mr.Gateson knows everything! He evens knows that the woman came twice! She took that diary!

"Why are you quite?"He again draws my attention shouting on my face! His breath stings! Maybe he has not brushed his mouth today! Yuck!

" Sir,sir, I was- I was looking and I tried but I could not catch her!"

" Ugh!You two really disappoint me!"

" Sir, this time we will not disappoint you!" I say with a smirk.

" Sir, I think we should leave now.We will bring that woman in front of you soon!"

"Wait! Did you think I am letting you go alone this time? I don't trust you guys now , that's why I have decided to give you our another officer as your assistant.He is also a new joiner. so,take care of him!"

" What?" I shout thinking who is this third wheel between us!

"Is there any problem with you,Mr.Fahad?"

The man which was standing behind Mr.Gateson now comes infront and he says like a shy highschool boy,

"It would be great pleasure to me to work with you,Mr.Fahad and Miss Rahman," he says while bowing his head a little.

I and Fatima look at each other and then at him.

"Oh .....nice to meet you, Mr....."

"Chen! My name is Chen Guo."

What! He is a Chinese!

" Should I call you Mr.Chen?"

" No,call me Chen,only Chen."

" Fine ."

" If you two are done talking, can we leave? I haven't said my Johor prayer yet."Fatima says with a dull look.

" Uh,you are right.Me too."

" Thanks Mr.Gateson for giving me a chance."

"Use this Chance properly.See you guys."

I, Fatima and Chen leave Mr.Gateson's office and I am observing Chen very anxiously.I want to assure that if he is not a man of killer's side who might have come to Mr.Gateson with a disguise.

Fatima suddenly says,"You two please carry on.Fahad,you tell him every single thing about this case.Till then I will say my prayer in the empty office of Mrs.Claire.I have talked to the manager about that."

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