51. Betray with a kiss

Start from the beginning

I want to believe her, but—

"Are you here of your own accord? Or is this another one of those elaborate schemes planned by that sister-in-law of yours?"

Her face darkens at the mention of the Blood Hound Luna. "That bitch is not my sister-in-law. She can go to hell for all I care. I refuse to be a pawn in her dirty politics. I am here because I intend to make a deal."

I observe her carefully. "Is that so?"

Stella stares at the floor, clenching her hands into fists. "I have information about Ariana Evergreen that might prove invaluable to you. She's to be the next Luna after Kiara steps down from the position."

Interesting. "Continue."

There's an undercurrent of venom in voice. "Ariana Evergreen is Ashton Taylor's mate. This is still kept a secret from the rest of the pack, but I've seen Kiara training her personally late at night after everyone's gone to bed. I've heard they plan to initiate her into the Pack three weeks from now—the 19th of January—The night of the Wolf Moon."

I stare at her.

"What?" She snaps self consciously.

I shrug, unable to hide the smirk tugging the corners of my mouth.

Her eyes narrow, misinterpreting my actions. "You think I'm naive."

"No, my little star. I think you are cleverer than you give yourself credit."

She rolls her eyes. "Others hardly think so. To them, I'm a traitor. They believe I'd happily watch them burn if it means being with my mate."

Ah yes, the old fools.

"I believe treason is only a matter of time. When I reign, your deed won't be treason. You will be a patriot."

"You cannot be serious." She says incredulously.

I tilt my head to the side, watching her with interest. "Why not? You think I won't succeed?"


"I will succeed. Think of this as a little tragedy in the beginning of our love story. It makes the tale so much more... delicious."

I have waited for you so long.

Be as difficult as you want, darling. I will not give up on you.

Her lips part, her pupils dilate. "You are mad."

I lean forward. "I've been called worse. Now, tell me why did you really seek me out."

Her mouth opens but no sound come out. Hesitant, she looks down.

I store every flicker of expression on her face to memory. There are a thousand questions I want to ask her, but am unable to given our circumstances. Did you miss me, little star?

I think of the first moment we meet, the surge of hope I felt when the first sparks shot up my fingers when I touched her bare skin.

I had lied about my identity then.

Because I knew what the truth would lead to. The immeasurable hatred and pain in her eyes. Wouldn't be able to bear it.

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