Chapter 9

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Shigaraki's P.O.V.

"So your plan is to have Twice make a replica of Midoriya, that has both his memories and quirk, and make it seem like the League Of Villains kidnapped him." This does seem like a good plan but "Why choose him out of all the students?" I glared at Overhaul.

"I'll tell you why, All Might was the 'Symbol of Peace' now that Midoriya has All for One, turning him against the heroes and becoming the Symbol of Fear, no one would ever trust the heroes or him again, knowing that he turned his back on everything he supposedly believed in."

"It's not a far placed plan, however, I would like credit in this grand scheme of yours" there was no way I am going to let him take all the glory. "Naturally what would you think about 20/80, you being the 80 and I being the 20?" "Interesting, but why would you only want 20? Why not 35 or 40?" This began to puzzle my head.

"I just want to cleanse the world of its filth, I don't care for fame or wealth, I just want to get rid of the so called heroes." So he's a modest man as well. "So then we're in agreement?" I nodded my head. "Twice get ready, the show of a lifetime is about to begin."

Deku's P.O.V.

Waking up I could feel my head pounding, slowly I started opening and closing my eyes trying to adjust to dim lit room. After a few moments, my eyes began to adjust, from what I could make out, I was probably in a hospital. 'This is so strange, what happened? How did I end up here?'


I began to look around trying to find the sound or what was making that sound. I looked to the right of me and saw an older man most likely about his early 70's in a bed just like mine, except for the fact that he had an oxygen mask on.

Looking to the left of me, I saw an IV pump with a long tube that went down my arm to my wrist. "Huh? What?" I could only whisper. What I couldn't understand was why I was strapped down to the bed and why instead of clear liquid that normally is in I.V. bags, this one looked like it had blood in it!

'Come on Izuku think! What was the last thing you remember! Oh yeah I talked to Nighteye about Eri, then I took a train down to the station 4 blocks away from the school, that's right! I was about to hop the fence using One of All, then I was shot in the leg, then...then... there was a voice and a hand, a hand stroking me!'

Just thinking about it caused shivers down my neck to my arms. I tried using One for All to break out of the straps but I couldn't, I could barely lift my head without feeling pain all over it was almost like I had lost all my strength and lost the ability to use it the quirk, "No way! It couldn't be! There's no possible way it could be-"

"Oh good your awake love~"

"Kai Chisaki!"

My Precious Patient (Yandere Overhaul X Deku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ