Chapter 24

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Deku's P.O.V.

Sitting on the bed, I played with the hem of the shirt I was wearing. I'm still not sure how I was wearing different clothes, but my best guess would be that after, I was kidnapped by that psycho he probably either changed or had someone change me. 

But the way he is around me, like how he will put me on his lap and hold me like a trophy makes it seem as tough he doesn't want anyone next to me but him. He even got jealous when I asked about how my friends and mom were doing saying 'that he is all I need'.

I managed to get Chisaki to allow me to move my arms, on the condition that I don't untie my feet. Not that I could do much with them, with the I.V. pumping blood back, my body felt like lead 'Wait, that is a two liter blood bag. What if it's not blood he's transferring to me?' I need to get out of here. NOW!

I untied my feet as fast as I could. After that, I began to play with the needle trying to pull it out, I was so focused I didn't hear the door open, or the footsteps stalking towards me until I felt someone grab my wrists. I looked up in shock. Oh Shit!

"Kai Chisaki?!" I probably did it now. He pulled off the bed, and banged me against the wall, causing me to hit my head against the wall and making my head spin slightly. "I warned you didn't I? About disobeying me?" I felt him hold my wrist tighter I thought they might actually break, but I'm sure that is what he is going for.

"I just wanted to move around a little bit from laying so long." It wasn't entirely a lie, my body was sore from just laying still. "He he ha ha ha!" I was mortified as he was laughing like a madman which he kind of was. "Do you really think, I'm that stupid to not think that one you had a chance, you would try to escape with Eri?"

"There wasn't just blood in the bog was there? There is something else?" I tried to change the subject in hopes that he might loosen his death grip on my wrists. "You are far more smart than anyone takes you for, and yes, there is something else in there. An Anti-Quirk toxin, the same one your friend had, but that small dose only lasted for half a day." He's trying to get rid of my quirk? Why?

"You've been in taking five time the amount that Suneater had, which takes longer to get out of your system. It makes you just the way you were before All Might gave you his quirk. Another Quirkless human in this filthy world." While he explained he did loosen his grip but not enough for me to break free. 'I guess I'll have to resort to my legs'.

Using all my strength, I kick him in the shin causing him to lose his balance, allowing me to break free and run past him, out the door. 'What the hell? everything looks the same!' This isn't good. I began running in random directions until I came across an old wooden door. Quietly opening I began to hear his footsteps. Closing the door behind me, I looked for a place to hide.

"Come out come out wherever you are Deku~' I hid inside a half opened crate but moving the old wool blanket, bumped into a long piece of wood fall. Quickly fitting into the crate, I waited for the footsteps to pass by hopefully. "If you come out now, I won't make your punishment so sever. You just may not be able to walk for a couple weeks~"

I could hear my heart beating out of my chest, if that was even possible. I've never been more scared in my life, not even when I heard One for All's voice. I held my breath in anticipation. The door opened and I could hear him get closer and closer to where I was hiding. 

"As much fun as it is to play the game of hide-and-seek, we have places to go and things to do before tomorrow~" He stopped in front of the crate front of the crate waiting for some kind of sound from me. "I can hear the sound of your heart beating, I wonder if I can make it beat faster~" I watched as he walked forward, letting go of the breath I was holding only to be grabed by the collar out from the crate.

"I found you Deku the games over~"

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