Chapter 17

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Toga's P.O.V.

Running through the streets as fast as I could, I giggled inside. 'How naive can the son of Endevour be?' This was all too easy. Overhaul was right in some way I suppose. My Izuku does have a way with making loyal friends, which is both an advantage and disadvantage. One being that they will welcome me with open arms, the second being that they know him so well that if I slip up, they will know that I'm not the real Izuku.

Looking to the left of me I saw the Nighteye Industry. Running across the street I began to limp to say in character, I acted like it was a struggle to open the door. When I did, a boy with blonde hair ran out of a room. Knowing that this is probably the Togato person the kid from the storage told me about I stumbled on my feet unintentionally.

"Deku! Are you alright?! What happened? Where are you hurt?" He asked while putting my arm over his shoulder carrying me over to a chair. "Ugh I'm fine considering that I'm not dead" I joked while he set me down. "Damn I never should have let you walk back to the school alone! This is my fault!"

Putting my hand on his shoulder I tried to comfort him 'It's not your fault, I wasn't careful, I let my guard down." I tried to act guilty which clearly was working because he put his hand on my shoulder rubbing it. "Guess we both are at fault. I am supposed to look after you, have your back, which I failed. You tend to have trouble follow you where ever you go".

"Yeah, I suppose he's right. I am a trouble child" I said back jokingly before I gave a solemn face. "Do you think that Nighteye will still let me be an Intern for him? I mean I just caused a lot of trouble for him and the school again. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a pro hero".

"That's not true Deku! You are more of a hero than anyone I've ever met. I even think that you could be the next All Might! You've got the makings of greatness! I know you do, so does everyone else, well I guess Backugo and the Villains wouldn't agree. But I watched you at the Sports Festival, I heard what you said to Todoroki, you want to help everyone. I helped him realized that he can't use his Ice quirk, he can use both his fire quirk as well."

"Your right! I can be a pro hero!" I said standing up, but falling down on one knee. "Hey hey don't get to excited we still need to get you checked out for your injuries." Togato said firmly but in a joking manner. 'So easy to manipulate these hero wannabe's makes me laugh' I managed a small smile. "Yeah let's go after Nighteye comes back, he would want to know what happened."

"Yeah he and the school teacher's, and some of your classmates have been worried sick, especially Uaraka and Lida. They wouldn't stop asking if there has been any news on you, as well as your mom". I looked down n slight shame.

"I'm sorry I made you guys worry, it wasn't my intention". "It never is anyone's intention Deku" A voice said from the door way. I looked up at the person the voice belonged to.

"Nighteye sir" 

My Precious Patient (Yandere Overhaul X Deku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ