Chapter 6

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Backugo's P.O.V.

We four ran to the Nighteye Agency, it was just where stuipd Deku said in his notebook. We slammed open the doors. "Backugo! You can't just throw opens doors without knocking!" I rolled my eyes while glasses started to lecture me about properly opening doors. "Um hey? Can I help you?" a girl came walking out wearing all blue and holding a clipboard.

"Move it Blueberry! I need to see Nighteye!" I pushed passed her causing her to fall down. "H-Hey! First off, my name is not bluberry, it's Bubble Girl, and secondly, you don't have an appointment! You can't just walking without a good reason!" Growling I turned back to her "A STUIPD BRAT IS GONE AND I'M WITH THESE EXTRAS TO TRY AND FIND THAT IDIOT DEKU BECAUSE-" I felt a hand on my right shoulder, looking back I saw Togota "Wait did you say Deku?"

"Yeah that brat is apperently missing and-" "If you say thay my intern is missing then you better come in my office right away." A voice said behind Togata. I watched as half and half walked over to this strange guy that had a yellow stripe across one side of his hair and bow down to him.

"Please forgive Backugo for his rude behavior, but as he said our friend Midoriya is missing and we need any information that you can give us". Nighteye looked at each student for a good minute or two before walking to his office. "Come, let's discuss". The others followed behind while Lida helped Bubble Girl up off the ground before following after them.

All Might's P.O.V.

Sitting in the facultly room with the other staff members Thirteen, Neku, Yamada, Kayama, and Shota, I could already feel the tension and worry in each of the staffs eyes. None of us knowing why Shota called a meeting, but we only knew that it couldn't be good if it was only us six he called.

Everyone was quiet as Principal Neku spoke up first. "Mr. Azaiwa, I believe all of us would like to know why we are having such a private meeting on a lovely Saterday, and why you only called us six. Please tell us what is there that is troubling you?" All the staff looked at Shota. "I know you are all wondering why I called you all here today and that's because I and four other class 1-A students believe that Izuku Midoriya has been kidnapped." Automatically the staff exploded into questions and what they should do. "Everyone calm down one at a time dammit."

"Shota's right everyone, we need to know as much as possible before we can jump to concluions, please continue" I said. 'This is very very bad, I promised his mother that i would protect him with my life'. "Now from what these four students told me is that Midoriya left the dorms after breakfast to go to the Nighteye Industry with Togata for thier intern, but he didn't come back to his dorm room last night. Everything in his room looks exactly the same except for this note one of the students found on his desk".

We all watched and read in pure horror at the words on the paper with blood splattered on it

He's Mine~

My Precious Patient (Yandere Overhaul X Deku)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt