Chapter 3

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Overhaul P.O.V.

After 'convincing Eri to come back with me, I made my way to my office. "Now for the next step in the plan, cleanse this world. Chrono come here." The door opened and my loyal friend and follower enter. "It's time for phase two, since Twice and Toga are new here they should know what we are doing, tell them to come here to discuss our next move".

"Right away, though may I ask you a question?" Raising my eyes and left eyebrow as an invitation he asked "What is bothering you? Ever since that encounter with those two heroes, you've been spacing off".

"Just hoping Eri hasn't ruined our plans with her little stunt today." Nodding at my response, Chrono left to get the two members from the league of Villains. I wasn't entirely honest with my response to Chronos question. The real reason was that kid.

'Why can't I get that kid out of my head! What's so special about him that has me drawn to him?'. No matter how much or hard I try I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I didn't have a lot of time to think about it because the door opened to show Twice and Toga. "So Overhaul What the plan for us? What is our part?" Twice quickly asked me. "I have no doubt that those kids will go tell the authorities".

"Oh so you saw Deku? Isn't he the cutest? Especially when he's hurt!" Toga started rambling about Deku blushing deeper than a strawberry. For some reason hearing her talk about Deku made my blood boil.

"I'll have them be separated if they get too close, that's where you come in, I'll need you to stop them, kill them if you have to". I said with no emotion. "That's all. Just be prepared for the next phase. You can go now."

Watching Toga jump out like a lovesick girl, Twice followed close behind. Taking out the small photo of Izuku Midoriya or 'Deku' his hero name out of my jacket pocket, I began stroking my thumb across his face.

'I wonder if this is what love feels like? It must be, it's the only logical reason'. I began to feel my lips slowly curl up to a smile. "Since I love him, he must love me back! That the way love works".

But there was one problem, those heroes. They have infected MY Deku with false dreams of becoming a hero, I'll fix him, after all he's a patient, my precious patient~

My Precious Patient (Yandere Overhaul X Deku)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora