Chapter 10

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Shota's P.O.V.

This is a complete disaster. Gathering together the information from Nighteye and the four students, this is something that we had to tell Iko Midoriya about. "Principal Neku, I think it's time that we have to tell Mrs. Midoriya and the other class 1-A students." Principal Neku looked down with his hands or paws clasped together in deep thought for a good five minutes.

"Your right, we should call his mother first to give her all the information on the situation and whereabouts of her child. Let us only hope that this won't go public again. U.A. is already at it's last grain of rice". Getting of the chair he began to walk to the door "I'll call her right away."

"Wait, Sir please" All Might stood up from his chair knocking it over "Yes All Might what is it?" The whole staff watched as All Might bowed deeply before Principal Neku "Sir, I should be the one to tell Mrs. Midoriya, I made her a promise that I would look after young Midoriya, and I broke it. It should be my responsibility to tell her, not yours sir".

'This guy, he's taking all the responsibility even though it wasn't his fault' "Sir, I'm his homeroom teacher, it should be my resonsibilty." Everyone was silent even the Mic who normally always has something to say. Sighing heavily Principal Neku walk back over to us.

"I can understand that you feel it's your fault, Mr. Azaiwa, he's one of your top and favorite student's even if you won't admit it to the school. All Might, He inherited your quirk and that not only puts you but the world in danger especally if it gets into the hands of a villian, however, I am the principal of this school. This school is my responsibilty as well as all those that abide in the school."

"Yes Sir!" Nodding at our response Principal Neku went to his office to make a certain phone call.

Neku's P.O.V.

Looking through the book that contained all the phone numbers of both the students and thier parents. "Ah here we are Inko Midoriya XXX-XXXX-XXXX". Once I typed in the correct numbers, I wait for her to answer.

"Hello?" "Yes, Hello Mrs. Inko Midoriya this is Principal Neku from U.A. High how are you doing today?" "Oh how wondeful! I'm doing just fine How are you?" "I'm doing quite well." taking a deep sigh I began to tell her of the situation. "I am here to talk about your son, Izuku Midoriya."

"My baby Izuku? IS he doing good in his studies? He rarely calls me anymore now that he is living in those dorms. He is such a wonderful son and I bet a terrific student! It has always been his dream to go to U.A. High to become a Hero! Is he making friends? I sure hope so, he can be akward sometimes but he is true and loyal to his friends"

Hearing her go on and on about how great of a son young Midoriya is only made it more hard on me. How could I tell this happy woman that her son is missing? "Yes Yes young Midoriya is all those things, however he didn't return to the dorms last night and we wanted to inform you about-"

"Oh did he forget to tell you? Sometimes when he gets excited he forgets things. "

"We're moving to the United States"

My Precious Patient (Yandere Overhaul X Deku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ