Chapter Seven~The Winter King

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As difficult as it was at times, Elodie quickly adjusted to life in Talvimora. Before she knew it, the days had flown by and Elodie had spent nearly two weeks there. It seemed like less. Probably because she was kept busy almost all the time. It seemed that there was something new to see, learn or do everyday.

One particular afternoon, however, there seemed to be nothing for Elodie to do. She had finished all her books and, though there were more to read, she couldn't seem to find one that interested her. For the day, Elodie wandered the halls aimlessly, picking up on small details of the castle that she hadn't noticed before. It seemed that Elodie had found her way to every room in the palace. There was one room, however, that Elodie was especially curious about and had never entered. North's room. Oh, it must be fantastic. If her room was incredible, then a king's in this land should be ten-times as magnificent. Oh, she was so, so curious. Anyone in their right mind would have held off, thinking better of the idea. Elodie was not one of those people. She thrived on adventure. And, if excitement meant sneaking into someone's room without permission, so be it.

Elodie found herself creeping through the halls again that night. She had heard some of the servants talking about a meeting for the four leaders. Which meant North would be occupied. For the time being. That gave Elodie plenty of time to sneak in.

North's quarters were easily identifiable. One entered through large, double doors that Elodie had seen no where else in the castle. She opened the door just enough to squeeze through, then quickly shut it behind her. She turned around to find yet another astonishing room in the grand castle. This one was different though. Everything was bigger. Richer. Elodie could see plainly what seemed like thousands of trinkets to study.

The thought that she was being childish crossed Elodie's mind multiple times but, what else did she have to do? Elodie's eyes flickered over the desk at the other end of the room. It was layered with scrolls, maps and books. What really interested her was the portrait of a woman.

Elodie silently made her way over to the desk and picked up the portrait. The woman was very pretty. What her society would call nearly perfect. She had long, blonde hair and bright green eyes. Elodie squinted as she studied the bottom of the portrait. Was there something...written there? She strained her eyes trying to read the writing. When she was able to, the portrait of the beautiful, smiling woman was dropped immediately. Darcelle. Darcelle's name was written at the bottom of the portrait.

Elodie covered her mouth in shock at what she had just read. Why would North possess something like that? Perhaps it was related to what that man, or who Elodie now knew as the Summer King, had said to North.

You must separate your past from the evil she's become. I'm afraid she is beyond saving, North.

North had a past with Darcelle? If so, what kind of past?

Elodie felt panic leap within her as she heard the faint sound of a doorknob being turned. What to do, what to do. Wardrobe.

North entered the room with a weary sigh. How impossible the other leaders could be at times. Oh well, at least they had come to a consensus. North swiftly glided over to his desk and attempted to mildly arrange it. Things had certainly been piling up lately. Augusto was right about one thing. The days were changing.

North's hands froze when he noticed something. The portrait of Darcelle. It was gone. His brows furrowed in confusion and he tilted his head to the side slightly. He glanced left and right in a casual search before turning and checking the floor. There it was. Why had it fallen? He hadn't come near his desk all-

Shuffle, shuffle.

North turned at the sound and Elodie silently cursed herself for letting her foot slip. It was rather tight in that wardrobe. Elodie held her breath and waited as she focused her vision on the shadow standing directly outside the wardrobe. Well, it had been a nice life.

She cringed as the door swung open and she was exposed, huddled in the corner of the closet. She looked up at the tall figure before her and immediately wished she hadn't. She had never felt so small.

"I can explain," she squeaked.

Moments later, she was standing before him, trying to come up with a legitimate excuse while he gave her the coldest glare she had ever received.

I would expect more of someone destined to save our world. It was the loudest he had ever spoken in her mind.

Look, I'm sorry. I was bored and-

Oh, that's a marvelous excuse. You were bored.

It won't happen again.

I should think not. After all, you should have much better things to do with your time then go meandering about the castle like a disreputable house cat.

I do not meander. I explore.

Well, whatever it is you call it, it should stop. He turned from her and continued arranging his desk. Something in Elodie told her that he wasn't all that angry at all. Perhaps he was even a little amused.

"You're not angry with me," she said, crossing her arms over her chest casually. He looked at her over his shoulder for a brief second, a smile playing across his lips as he did. It lingered.

I understand your curiosity. I knew someone much like you once. He set down the scroll in his hand and turned to her, his light eyes meeting hers. He took a few steps towards her until he was standing directly in front of her. She now had to look up to make eye contact.

"And you remind me of her," he said softly. Elodie couldn't keep the surprise from her eyes. He had just spoken. To her. Not in her mind. But, physically. Why?

North's eyes flickered down to just below her collarbones, where her pendant from Jack sat. He reached out and rested two delicate fingers on the pure, white jewel.

"From the boy," he whispered. Elodie simply nodded. North's eyes flickered back up to meet hers again. His eyes were unlike any others she'd ever seen. It was interesting when they flickered. It was as if they reflected the light, causing them to almost flash. "He cares for you greatly." Elodie felt her cheeks grow warm. She knew that North noticed and something flickered across his gaze that she didn't recognize.

"H-he' more than a friend," Elodie replied shakily. He was quite close. Closer than any man had ever been to her before.

"For now," North finished solemnly. His expression turned grave for a moment. His fingers left the pendant and latched themselves to a piece of Elodie's hair. "I was serious when I said you were a rarity. I have only seen one other like you." He leaned forward slightly and his slender hand moved from Elodie's hair to her cheek. It was only when he was too close, when she could feel his breath mingling with her own that she pulled away, taking in a sharp breath and stepping back.

Elodie kept her eyes on North's. He was calm, as usual. There was something else as well. He seemed almost...understanding. Suddenly, Elodie was unable to hold his gaze. She awkwardly brushed her hair behind her ear and shuffled her foot nervously.

"I...I should go," she mumbled. "It's late." North gave a small smile and nodded as she gave a slight bow of her head and turned for the door.

Elodie speed-walked back to her room, letting out short breaths. She had never felt so odd. She felt warm and cold at the same time. Calm, yet hightstrung. Forgiving, yet angry. She didn't know how she felt. What was wrong with her?

She arrived back in her room and closed the door with a heavy sigh as she tried to sort through her thoughts. What was he doing? Surely he wasn't trying to do what she thought he was. He couldn't. Not her. It was all too strange. In fact, everything here was. Surely, this had to be a dream.

Elodie pinched herself and winced as she had every other time she tried to do that. Perhaps it was a dream in which she could feel pain? She sighed and lowered herself to sit against her door. Another sleepless night. Just what the doctor ordered...

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