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I was running in the rain with Chris, it had rained for the first time in weeks and we decided to take the opportunity to go outside.

As we ran around like little kids, I decided to put my phone down and film us. I jumped on his back, while we were singing Purple Rain by Prince.

Our hair sticking on the side of our faces and our wet clothes making us feel cold, but still with a huge smile on our faces.

We kept singing and dancing in the rain, until our lips started to tremble. "We should head inside", I said chuckling. "We should", he nodded before picking me up like a princess and we walked inside the house.

He kissed my forehead before I stood up. "What the hell!", I heard Tristan screaming while I chuckled. "Can you give us some towels, Tris?", I asked while my teeth clacked together.

Chris and I were laughing before we got to the bathroom, I started a hot bath before getting out of my cold clothes. Chris followed my movements and we both sat in the huge bathtub.

"This feels so good", he said while getting deeper into the bath. I chuckled before he put his phone on a stand and started going live, I had put on a bikini top so people didn't assume stuff.

"Hey guys, I'm here with Emma. We're taking a hot bath since we were just outside in the rain", he said while I smiled. "We danced and sang in the rain, like a scene from a movie", I added.

"you guys are bestfriend goals", Chris read while I smiled before wrapping my arm around his neck. "You know when you meet your soulmate but in a friendship kind of way?", I questioned as he nodded.

"I think I met mine", he smiled at me before kissing my cheek. "Guys, send in your questions so we can answer them", he asked while I nodded.

"Okay, what is everyone's role during a zombie apocalypse?", I read before turning to face Chris. "Emma would distract them by dancing, Dayne would be the leader since he's in the Marines, Bryan would try to bang a zombie chick", he said while I laughed.

"Tristan would distract them with me, you would clearly stay attached to Tyler, Tyler would vibe with the zombies and lastly Darius would probably stay with Dayne since he's the only reasonable one", I finished laughing.

"I would not stay attached to Tyler!", Chris screamed offended before throwing water at me. "Yes you would! You would be like a little panda, aww that's lowkey cute", I said chuckling before he rolled his eyes.

"Who's the top in the friendship?", I ready before pointing at myself. "I am such a top, Chris is a bottom", I jokingly said before he wrapped his hand around my neck making me laugh. "I am not", he frowned his eyebrows before I wrapped my hand around his neck.

"You are", I said as his breath got deeper. I smirked at him, "I'm a top, end of story", I told the camera while the younger Williams rolled his eyes at me. "I've never been more attracted to Emma", Chris read while I blushed.

"A top that blushes", he said laughing before I flipped him off. "Does Dayne have a huge peepee?", I read before bursting into laughters followed by Chris. "Yes", Chris mumbled before passing to the next question, I had to double take because I wasn't sure if I heard that right.

"You know how many showers I took with the guy?", he questioned while I looked at him completely mortified. "You know how many people would kill to be in my place?", he said again while I disapproved. "You know how many people would kill to have that thought erased from my brain? One! Me!", I said as he laughed.

"Oh stop, it's not like you haven't seen him naked before", he said completely exposing me. "I-Umm-I-....fuck off", I answered before crossing my arms on my chest. The boy got closer to me before wrapping his arms around me. "I'm kidding, not really tho, but still kidding", he said before puckering up his lips.

I rolled my eyes and started getting out of the bath, I wrapped myself into a towel before handing him a towel as well. "Guys, we'll see you on the 24h live later, peace", he said closing his phone before starting to get dry. "Don't look st me, okay?", I told him while he rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes, just don't look", I said seriously.

"Fine, I won't look. Really leaving everything to my imagination", he said as I hit the back of his head. "Shut the fuck up", I answered before making him turn around as I got changed into my pjs. As I looked up, I saw him starring straight at me. "Could you be anymore discreet?", I questioned while he shrugged.

"Yeah, totally", he answered while I rolled my eyes. We finished to get dressed before heading to the kitchen where Zach had bought me cookies to bake. Chris went to make his live while I saw Darius enter the kitchen. "Hi", I said while he waved.

"Hey, umm, do you want to bake cookies?", he questioned while I nodded. "Yeah, of course, I love cookies", I said chuckling while he laughed. He set up his phone for his live before we started to bake.

"Darius's live are gonna turn into a cooking show", he read off as we both laughed. "It should tho, It'd be really fun", I said while he thought about it. "Thing is, I can't cook", he just said while pressing his lips together. "That's all right, I can teach you", I answered chuckling while his eyes widened.

"You'd do that?", he questioned as if I was joking. "Yeah, I love cooking and baking so why not?", he nodded before we heard the timer end for our first batch of cookies.

As we got them out, the 5 other boys walked in the kitchen, and sat with their phone, at the table. "Cookies?", Tyler questioned while I nodded.

Darius pulled out a couple of glasses and some plates while I took out some milk from the fridge. "You guys are literal kids", I said chuckling while Tristan flipped me off.

We sat at the table laughing, talking with the fans on the live and eating cookies with milk.

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